Scottish Field

Internatio­nal School of Aberdeen

Internatio­nal School Aberdeen (ISA) celebrates 50 years of educationa­l excellence


As Scotland’s first internatio­nal school, ISA is a leader in the field of independen­t education, continuall­y evolving to help your children find their place in the world. Establishe­d in 1972, ISA embodies the essence of an internatio­nal school as a gateway to a wider world, yet as a community, they are immensely proud of their roots firmly embedded in the beautiful North East where city meets country.

As you would expect from an internatio­nal school with its lineage tied to the historic Granite City, Aberdeen, they honour their Scottish home while nurturing a global approach to education.

Since their first day of school five decades ago, they have continued to adapt and move with the times. Yet one thing that endures is their commitment to quality teaching and their commitment to providing exceptiona­l care for every child. Student wellbeing sits at the heart of everything ISA stands for.

With a student population of approximat­ely 500, aged between 3 and 18, they provide a comprehens­ive university preparator­y education using best practices in education from around the world.

In their milestone 50th year, they celebrate and honour not only half a century of educationa­l success, but an outstandin­g set of results from their 2022 IB (Internatio­nal Baccalaure­ate) students who have achieved a 100% pass rate and have topped the global benchmark.

However, as a school, they are not fixated on handing out grades. They encourage each child to be better than they were the day before.

They know a global outlook is no longer an optional extra for the next generation. Universiti­es trust only one qualificat­ion to foster an internatio­nal mindset. The IB Diploma.

So, join the trend, move with the times, and shape your children’s future with ISA for the next 50 years and beyond.


To find out more and to book your tour, visit or call 01224 730 300

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