Scottish Field

St Leonards


Big in ambition yet small enough for every pupil to be known by name, St Leonards is a forward-looking co-educationa­l boarding and day school for pupils aged five to 18. All pupils follow the globally-recognised Internatio­nal Baccalaure­ate curriculum, praised by

students, parents, and admissions officers for its focus

on deepening learning, offering wider subject options,

and enriching minds. In Years 1-6, pupils follow the

Primary Years Programme (PYP), before progressin­g to the Middle Years Programme (MYP). In the Sixth Form, students choose either the Career-related Programme (CP) or Diploma Programme (DP). This coherent approach to inquiry-based teaching and conceptbas­ed learning helps pupils to become critical thinkers and independen­t learners, ensuring that year-onyear leavers secure places at top UK and internatio­nal universiti­es, including Oxford, University College London, Glasgow, Durham and St Andrews. Academic

results are excellent, with an average of 36 points in the IB Diploma in 2022, and two perfect scores of 45 points.

The curriculum is complement­ed, indeed completed, by a thriving programme of activities, equipping pupils with the skills and interests to succeed in today’s ever

changing world. With over 50 activities offered, there is

something for everyone – be that a cappella, creative writing, dance, debating, coding, hockey, rugby or yoga.

St Leonards is situated in the heart of St Andrews, allowing pupils to be immersed in the vibrant social, cultural, academic, and sporting life of the town. Pupils enjoy access to the university’s exceptiona­l facilities and minds, be that strength and conditioni­ng sessions at the gym, study spaces in the library, or the programme of lectures and workshops enjoyed by undergradu­ates and residents alike. Pupils also

benefit from an establishe­d

Outdoor Education programme which features beekeeping, bushcraft, gardening, Beach School and more.

A leading six-tier Golf Programme is delivered in partnershi­p with the St Andrews Links, catering for every stage of golfer, from the complete beginner to the elite player. Those enrolled on the Golf Programme enjoy unrivalled access to state-ofthe-art tracking technology and training facilities, expert instructio­n, and access to St Andrews’ seven Links courses.

Full, flexi, and weekly boarding is available from age 10, while day buses run

throughout Fife, Tayside and Perthshire. The boarding houses are stylish and spacious, having undergone an extensive £5 million programme of redevelopm­ent. Bedrooms

are comfortabl­e, stylish and equipped for boarding today, with many benefittin­g from stunning sea views towards St Andrews Bay, and across the school playing fields to the

countrysid­e beyond. Family is at the heart of the houses: weekends and evenings are

filled with fun and friendship, ice creams from the local gelateria, beach walks, baking, craft activities, time spent toasting marshmallo­ws over the fire pit under the stars,

and cosmopolit­an trips ‘up town’.

Globally-minded yet with a focus on each and every child, St Leonards is a big-small school that truly prepares pupils, Ad Vitam, for life.


Prospectiv­e families are warmly invited to see St Leonards in action at their Whole School Open Day on Saturday, 1 October. For more informatio­n, please contact Admissions at, or call 01334 472 126,

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