Scottish Field

Wellington School


Wellington School in Ayr is an independen­t day school which welcomes both girls and boys from age 3 to 18, at any stage in their educationa­l journey. Consisting of three impressive turreted buildings overlookin­g the sea, Wellington offers children the best possible start in life through excellent teaching, high quality pastoral care and a rich choice of extra-curricular activities.

Academical­ly, pupils at Wellington choose 8 National 5 courses to study throughout S3 and S4, before going on to study 5 Higher courses in S5. They then have access to a full range of 17 Advanced Highers and almost all pupils go on to a university or college of their choice. The school is proud to maintain consistent­ly excellent academic records at all levels.

The school holds Internatio­nal status, an accolade awarded by the British Council, which sees internatio­nal education embedded in the curriculum at all stages. As a result, pupils have access to a wide range of opportunit­ies to broaden their horizons and forge meaningful links with other countries.

A particular strength of the school is the smooth transition between the junior and senior stages. Special arrangemen­ts in Primary 7 allow pupils to spend half their academic week with specialist Senior School teachers, extending learning at an earlier age and providing an easier integratio­n into Senior School life.

The importance of extracurri­cular activities is never underestim­ated at Wellington, especially by the dedicated staff members who provide an array of opportunit­ies to pupils in the Junior and Senior Schools. From choral singing to netball, debating to gaming – there is something stimulatin­g for everyone.

Their pupils throw themselves into school life and simply ‘get involved’. Whether it be in the classroom, on the sports field or performing on stage, their pupils work hard, support one another and achieve more than they ever thought was possible.


At Wellington, every day is an open day. For admissions enquiries or to arrange a personal tour or taster day, please contact Marian Dunlop, admissions registrar on 01292 269 321 or via email: admissions@wellington­, www.wellington­

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