Scottish Field

Poached Turbot, Mussel Chowder & Pancetta Crumb Serves 4


For the chowder:

Place the potatoes in cold water to rinse off excess starch. Place the peel in another tub of water for the same reason. Heat the oil in a heavy-based saucepan over a medium heat. Add all the vegetables except the 1 leek you didn’t chop. Sweat the veggies down without colouring. When soft, add the garlic and sauté for 2 minutes. Then add the chopped turbot skirt and drained potato peel. The potatoes like to stick so stir continuous­ly, sautéing for a couple of minutes. Add the wine and stir. Reduce the wine by half, then add the stock. Bring to a simmer for 15-20 minutes until all the vegetables are soft and cooked. Blend with a hand blender until completely smooth. Place back on the heat and add the drained, diced potato. Cut the last leek (just the white) into ½cm thick discs and add them too. Simmer for 20 minutes until the potato is tender. Season to taste.

For the mussels:

Heat the oil in a heavy-based saucepan over a medium heat. Add the onion, fennel and garlic, and sweat without colouring. When veggies are soft add the wine and parsley, throw in the mussels and put a lid on the pan to steam cook them. Turn the heat to high and cook for 2 minutes then take off the lid and stir to ensure even cooking. Cover with the lid again for another 2 minutes, then stir and check the mussels. If about 90% have opened they are ready. Remove the unopened mussels. With a colander set over a large bowl or another pan strain off the cooked mussels. Spread them over a tray to cool quickly. Pass the stock from the mussels through a fine sieve into the chowder. When cool, pick the mussels from their shells and chill until ready to serve.

For the pancetta crumb:

Cut the pancetta into matchstick­s. Heat the oil in a heavy-based saucepan over a medium heat. Fry the pancetta and add the garlic, thyme and lots of diced butter. It will get really foamy but keep stirring. When it’s crispy, strain it through a colander catching the fat in a heatproof dish. Dry the crispy pancetta on a cloth. Use the reserved fat to make the butter fried breadcrumb­s (page 101). Then, mix these with the crispy pancetta and keep warm until ready to serve.

For the poached turbot fillets:

Season the turbot fillets with salt and pepper and bring up to room temperatur­e for 10-15 minutes. Warm the fish stock to around 80°C. Add the fillets. They need to be fully submerged under the stock and take around 4 minutes. Lift the turbot out and drain on a cloth in a warm place.

To finish the dish:

Coat the top of the fish with the pancetta crumb. Add the mussels to the chowder and warm for 2-3 minutes. Pour the hot chowder into bowls to create a potato leek island in the middle. Place the crumbed turbot on top. Sprinkle with more pancetta crumb and chopped parsley.

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