Scottish Field




1 Moving band our pet was

involved in (6)

4 Arose and bumps about (6) 9 Water colour found in a

quaint old cottage (4) 10 Engine energising butane rigs


11 Straight in real disaster (6) 12 Nastry record halved altered

descent (8)

13 Tower with many rings (9) 15 Used in lubricants, found in

the best alcoholic drinks (4) 16 Running behind the base

stand without money (4) 17 Once bitten, feeling tired after two sets thrown before run (6,3)

21 Element of plating up micro

hum (8)

22 Disorderly run in July non

starter (6)

24 Reversed upset (10)

25 Spot two directions to take to

Paraguay (4)

26 One displaced notes prince

agitated (6)

27 Student takes before the

operation (6)


1 Agave seen as a sunrise sometimes (7) 2 Address to talk about (5) 3 Out of the furnace and into roping I knotted (3,4) 5 Seen at front to prevent chafing (6)

6 Set upon a bus note made scribbling (9)

7 Usual informatio­n he added (7) 8 Organisati­on has settled income (13)

14 Uproot, rip up medley (9) 16 Port with her veal cooked


18 Claps seen beneath, under

the table (7)

19 She is to walk quietly, almost

floating (4,3)

20 Hard stuff or what meds

dissolve in (6)

23 Discharge sounds like space


Mr/mrs/miss ___________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Postcode _________________Tel __________________________ To enter: Send your completed crossword to Scottish Field, Crossword No 10, Fettes Park, 496 Ferry Road, Edinburgh, EH5 2DL, to reach us no later than 25th October 2022.

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