Scottish Field

Prepare to sell in 2023


As we edge towards the close of this year and start thinking about the new year ahead, some of us may already be contemplat­ing a house move in 2023, which begs the question: if planning to sell, what should you be doing now in preparatio­n?

‘I put presentati­on at the top of the list when it comes to a sale,’ says Patrick Paton, co-director of the Borders-based agency Paton & Co. ‘If a house is presented in the best possible light, it will achieve the best possible price, and it will sell quickly and effectivel­y.

‘If you’re considerin­g a sale next year and you’re living in an urban environmen­t such as Peebles, Kelso, or any of the Border towns, I would recommend that you aim to come to market around the middle of March.

If you’re in a rural property, then I’d recommend the beginning of April at the earliest. Between now and then we really want our clients to think about how they are preparing their property for market, and to engage with their chosen agent as early as possible.’

Which raises another question: how much upgrading is too much? Is this the time to be redesignin­g your kitchen or bathroom? ‘With interest rates going up and people not being able to borrow as much, the better condition a property is in, the less points of negotiatio­n a purchaser has. If a purchaser thinks they might need to renew a kitchen, that could be perceived as a negative connotatio­n on the sale, and a point of negotiatio­n for a purchaser.’ There are limits, however. ‘Spending tens of thousands on a new kitchen is probably a waste of money. Instead, I always advise investing in the decorative work to give the power back to the vendor in terms of negotiatio­n.’ Getting in touch with an agent early gives homeowners the time to implement any changes required to achieve the best price, but also, as Patrick says: ‘If we’re introduced to a property now, there might be people on our applicant database who would be interested.’


If you’re thinking about selling in 2023, get in touch with our experts Patrick Paton and Fiona Pagett to discuss your property and its specific requiremen­ts. Tel: 01896 809 200, email: /

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