Scottish Field

Thomas Robinson Architects


Scotland is a wonderful place to build new homes. Our rich history of grand architectu­re allows us to create inspiring designs that stand alone yet reflect our great architectu­ral tradition. Over the years, Thomas Robinson Architects have become experts in designing and building large one-off homes, both in traditiona­l styles

– reflecting Scots Baronial, Arts and Crafts and New Classical designs,

among others – and in contempora­ry styles with open-plan interiors and expanses of glass presiding over spectacula­r views. Whatever style they work in, their objectives are well-proportion­ed light-filled houses with

balanced, flowing interiors which look exceptiona­l and feel good to be in.

Scotland is an amazing country, and Thomas Robinson Architects believe it is their job to leave an impressive imprint on it with their buildings.

They also have the privilege of conserving and renovating traditiona­l

homes and castles. Currently, they are working on listed houses by three

of Scotland’s great architects: William Leiper, John Smith, and James Austin Laird, who built here. Adding contempora­ry pool houses, family

rooms, guest accommodat­ion and advising on sustainabl­e upgrades to these buildings is a fascinatin­g part of their job. As conservati­on specialist­s they preserve their intricate beauty, while designing

21st-century additions using flair, imaginatio­n and sensitivit­y – often

bringing in eco-friendly aspects from our Passivhaus design knowledge.

The common goal, whichever style of house they are working on, is to go above and beyond to deliver their clients’ projects successful­ly.


Got an idea for a Scottish home? Contact Thomas Robinson Architects on 01360 661144; mail@thomasrobi­nsonarchit­ects. or visit thomasrobi­nsonarchit­ to view projects.

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