Sea Angler (UK)


A beach rod that costs less than 90 quid, Tronixpro’s new Guerilla Surf rod will set you on the road to success

- Words by Paul Fenech Photograph­y by Lloyd Rogers


One of the many hurdles newcomers to shore fishing encounter generally occurs when it comes to choosing their first rod. Most tackle shops nowadays display a vast array of colourful two and three-piece options, so it’s little wonder many first-timers become confused. Not to mention the price that some of these carbon outfits have attached to them. A top-of-the-range rod could very easily set you back £500 or above.

However, fishing can be as expensive as you want it to be. There are, of course, plenty of budget rods available, but in many cases, these really don’t suit our beaches that well. Soft blanks that fold under the slightest of pressure will not allow you to improve or, indeed, progress to another level.

That conundrum, though, now appears to have been solved with the introducti­on of the Guerilla Surf rod from Tronixpro.


It’s a two-piece, fast-tapered outfit that comes equipped with diamond shrinkwrap grip on the butt section, anti-tangle lightweigh­t guides furnishing the blank, and a set of quality coasters for attaching the reel.

This is a proper beachcaste­r, and one that will certainly help you to progress as you take your vital first steps into shore fishing, and without breaking the bank. When I first got my hands on the Tronixpro Guerilla Surf rod, I was pleasantly surprised. A quick assembly of the two sections saw me giving it a wiggle. It felt rather good and, on closer inspection of the blank, the decals and cosmetics, too, give the resemblanc­e of a decent beach rod.

It was a brief visit to Tronixpro’s extensive website to see how much one of these would cost that totally surprised me, as I quickly discovered that I could purchase one for less than 90 quid.

Okay, it’s not a powerhouse of a rod, and it definitely won’t set the tongues wagging at a UKSF casting event. What it does do, however, is offer any newcomer to shore fishing an incredible opportunit­y to grab themselves a fantastic outfit at an extremely affordable price.

The real test, though, would be out on the beach. It’s all well and good giving a rod a wiggle and offering a glowing report on its looks, but if it doesn’t offer any real value, then

it’s all a waste of time.

There are actually two models in the range, both built identicall­y, but with different lengths to choose from. The first is 3.6m (11.8ft), while the longer one is 3.9m (12.7ft).

Both rods also come equipped with Tronixpro coasters that fixed my multiplier reels firmly into position.

A few off-the-ground casts with the longer rod were enough to send my 5oz sinker a reasonable distance. It’s immediatel­y noticeable that the butt section is a tad soft, but what it lacks in power, it certainly makes up for in a rather fast tip. With a softish butt and a quick delivery through the tip, it results in a surprising­ly smooth, clean cast, which, in the whole scheme of things, is just about perfect for anyone who is starting out.

What it also does is allow the user to feel how a rod actually loads and compresses, which, in turn, helps any newcomer to understand the fundamenta­l basics of beachcasti­ng. Now that’s a good thing, isn’t it?


I fished with both rods in tandem, and the real acid test suddenly revealed itself when a neighbouri­ng angler came over for a chat.

After the obligatory greetings and enquiry of how the fishing was going, he walked over to the check out the rods sitting in my tripod.

“They look nice, bet they’re expensive too?” he said. I revealed that each rod cost less than £90, and I was now discoverin­g how they performed on the beach.

The look on his face said it all as he excitedly told me he needed a rod for his son who was desperate to go fishing with him. “These will be perfect,” was his response, and I agreed.

So, to recap, in my opinion, the Tronixpro Guerilla Surf rod will ideally suit a beginner. For instance, someone who is willing to master their casting technique, while spotting bites and generally gaining confidence from the knowledge that their rod also looks the part in the tripod too. By that, I mean in the form of peer pressure from other experience­d anglers.

I’ve actually known a few anglers who, simply on the advice of an experience­d angler, have gone off and spent a fortune on a powerful, topof-the-range, in-vogue rod that turned out to be a total disaster for them.

This rod will certainly help you to develop in your early days on the beach. As you progress and feel you’re ready to take the next step, that’s when you’ll know the Tronixpro Guerilla Surf has certainly done its job.

In fact, it will probably turn out to be the best 90 quid you ever spent.

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 ??  ?? Anti-tangle lightweigh­t guides on the blank Both of these rods come with coasters that fix a multiplier reel firmly in position What the butt section lacks in power, it certainly makes up for in a rather fast tip
Anti-tangle lightweigh­t guides on the blank Both of these rods come with coasters that fix a multiplier reel firmly in position What the butt section lacks in power, it certainly makes up for in a rather fast tip

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