The National (Scotland) - Seven Days

Young people do care about the climate but not solely,

By Kaitlin Dryburgh, policy and communicat­ion co-ordinator at Common Weal


AS the UK election looms with a Scottish election following it not too soon a er, politician­s will be trying their utmost to capture the young vote. The current narrative constantly tells us that the younger generation cares solely – if not very deeply – about the environmen­t, that this is of the utmost importance to them. But is this a misstep which is actually hindering solid green policy being implemente­d?

There is indeed some truth to this notion that environmen­tal issues remain high on the agenda for young people. But how could it not?

For many, they grew up with the terms “climate change”, “greenhouse gasses” and “climate crisis” integrated into everyday life.

Climate anxiety is prevalent in younger generation­s such as Millennial­s and Gen Zs and they feel more guilt, fear and outrage towards the eƒects of the climate crisis compared to older generation­s. Which is a fair reaction considerin­g they will be growing up in a world which has to deal with more climate disasters and climate displaceme­nt, and go on to lead the world while trying to wrangle with policymake­rs to reduce carbon output.

For the youth of today, the climate crisis is their future and current actions mean that’s unlikely to change anytime soon, so for the most part they have no choice but to care.

Yet, that doesn’t mean it’s everything. It’s a false belief that the be-all and end-all of what young people care about is climate. Compared to the older generation­s, young people are navigating a very diƒerent world. Yes, that includes climate, but unfortunat­ely, that’s not where the problems end.

Nowadays, it takes a bit more than just cancelling your Netflix subscripti­ons and cutting out the occasional brunch to get on the property ladder, which is made harder by the fact real-time wages have decreased.

There’s a whole plethora of issues, including a creaking NHS and a lack of mental health care which is only perpetuate­d by an absence of quality

 ?? ?? Climate anxiety plagues young people
Climate anxiety plagues young people

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