Shooting Times & Country Magazine

The value of free pheasants



Many years ago, we used to give a brace of pheasants to our farmers and a brace to the cottages neighbouri­ng our shoot. With pheasants worth so little, and most people having a ready supply of game, we stopped giving them out because we felt a bit guilty turning up with a gift worth only a few pence. What are your thoughts; do people still give birds out? Are they well received?

Some shoots do still give birds to tenants and neighbours, but they are few and far between and, as you quite rightly point out, most people living in the country have a ready supply. If you want to start giving out birds again, I suggest delivering them oven ready. Dressed game is always well received, because it can be put straight in the freezer.

The same applies to vacuum-packed pheasant breasts and joints of venison.

Giving game to neighbours may not mean a lot if viewed solely in monetary terms, but in terms of a public relations exercise — between shoots and the public, shoots and the farmer, and shoots and their neighbours — its value is priceless. LB

 ??  ?? A gift of oven-ready game is alwayswell received
A gift of oven-ready game is alwayswell received

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