Shooting Times & Country Magazine

Whistle up a plan for pips


I have read a lot about whistle training and most people say that recall should be three pips, with one for sit and two for lie down. Is this standard?

There is no set-in-stone standard for how many pips on the whistle you should use. Recall is normally multiple pips, whether it be a couple or a few in a row. The sit or stop whistle is usually one and often two pips is a turn whistle for a spaniel.

Another common practice is to use a hunt whistle, which tends to be a slow, longer whistle. I have only come across a ‘lie down’ whistle with collies for sheepdog work, not for gundogs.

Select whistle commands that suit your dog and its job. If it is a retriever, it is unlikely you will need a turn whistle. Ensure the commands you use are easily distinguis­hable, so the dog does not get them mixed up. ES

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