Shooting Times & Country Magazine

Jill’s great escape


I recently built a new hutch, but one of my ferrets keeps escaping. Luckily, she doesn’t wander far away, but what can

I do to stop this?

Ferrets are renowned for their ability to escape from the inescapabl­e. If Houdini was ever reincarnat­ed, it would be as a ferret.

There are a few things that everybody should be aware of. The mesh on the hutches should be strong enough to withstand biting from the sharp and powerful teeth of the ferret. This should also be stapled down securely. Once the ferret can smell a whiff of freedom, it will be obsessed with finding that avenue of escape.

If they can sense that the wire mesh is weak or moving, they will bite, drag and pull at it almost as if it is a game. I have seen them scratching against the door to loosen the catch, pull back the wire on the front or bite through the mesh.

The wood should be inspected for any rotten pieces, especially in the corners, and make sure the roof is secure.

I hope this helps.

You can never be too extreme in keeping your ferrets’ housing safe and secure. SW

 ?? ?? Ferrets will look to exploit any weaknesses in hutch constructi­on
Ferrets will look to exploit any weaknesses in hutch constructi­on

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