Shooting Times & Country Magazine

Keepers and dogs at Holyrood


Gamekeeper­s and gundog trainers have taken their dogs to Edinburgh to try to persuade MSPS to change a proposed law.

The representa­tives from Scotland’s regional moorland groups, along with BASC Scotland and the Kennel Club, took a motley crew of labradors and spaniels to Holyrood to explain how the Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Bill would lead to a ban on rough shooting and field trialling. The proposed legislatio­n would ban the use of more than two dogs to flush rabbits from cover.

The keepers pointed out that because rough shooting and field trialling involve the use of larger numbers of dogs, they would become illegal under the bill. The dogs were introduced to MSPS at a reception, where a new film was screened and the politician­s were given the chance to ask questions.

The Hunting with Dogs Bill, which is intended to further limit the use of dogs, particular­ly in fox control, is currently in the committee stage with the Rural

Affairs, Islands and Natural Environmen­t Committee preparing a report on it.

 ?? ?? Representa­tives took their dogs to meet MSPS and air their unease about the Hunting with Dogs Bill
Representa­tives took their dogs to meet MSPS and air their unease about the Hunting with Dogs Bill

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