Shooting Times & Country Magazine



I have just read Laurence Catlow’s article (With trout in my bag and peace in my heart, 5 October). I admire his courage in bringing a deeply personal matter out in the open for general discussion.

The key is, of course, that his doctors know him and recognise

I agree wholeheart­edly with Patrick Galbraith (Editor’s letter, 12 October) that it is sad that the antis are using woodcock as something of a political football. I must, however, offer one small correction on the subject of our ‘small’ breeding population of woodcock.

Despite their red-list status, due to a decline in the numbers that breed with us, woodcock are still far from rare; indeed, they are one of our more abundant and widespread breeding waders.

In winter, once the migrants arrive, the overall numbers make them the most

‘‘The wildlife of today is not ours to dispose of as we please. We have it in trust. We must account for it to those who come after.’’ King George VI

Ducks on a flightpond,

ideal woodcock habitat, fox control and Britain’s ever-changing


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