Shooting Times & Country Magazine


- Mike Swan

There has not been much fanfare about it, but the beavers that have been liberated into the English countrysid­e in recent years have been designated a European protected species this month.

From now on, if you are worried by their activities, you will need to be covered by a licence to interfere with them or their structures.

I still have mixed feelings about bringing them back, and

I am certainly worried about their likely impact on fish migrations, especially sea trout. On the other hand, on a beaver management training day last week, I saw some wonderful swampy habitats that they have created. There were perfect places for teal and snipe, and I have a hunch that some of the wet willow scrub will turn out to be great for woodcock too. Judging by the way some delegates got bogged down while walking the swamp, they will also add to the fun of a day’s rough shooting.

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