BBC Sky at Night Magazine

Prisoners’ plan for Mars


I am currently a prisoner at HMP Glenochil and I have always had an interest in astronomy. As prisons are places where the night heavens are masked by floodlight­s, I haven’t seen a star in many years. Yet I have recently been involved with a fascinatin­g project which enlisted the unique experience­s of prisoners to aid thinking on the best way to establish a base on Mars. Leading scientists from the University of Edinburgh delivered a four-part programme of scientific informatio­n and discussion, while prisoners set up groups to develop ideas around the survival and developmen­t of a colony in a wholly alien environmen­t. Depending on skills and interests, prisoners worked on topics including science and engineerin­g, music, plant life and politics. The whole project was brought together in a book called Life Beyond: From Prison to Mars, which was praised by the British Interplane­tary Society, who then published the findings. Even though the stars are cut off to me, I still watch The Sky at Night every month. After all, I still have the Moon (sometimes). Jamie, HMP Glenochil

What a fascinatin­g and worthwhile project, Jamie. For those interested, Life Beyond is published by the British Interplane­tary Society, price £6. – Ed

 ??  ?? A Martian base conceived by prison inmates in a unique project
A Martian base conceived by prison inmates in a unique project

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