BBC Sky at Night Magazine

Lyrid meteor shower

BEST TIME TO SEE: 14-30 April with shower peak on the morning of 22 April


The annual Lyrid meteor shower reaches peak activity this month. The shower is due to Earth passing through the dust spread around the orbit of comet

C/1861 G1 Thatcher. Peak activity occurs on the morning of 22 April, Lyrid meteor trails appearing to come from a radiant near to the star Vega (Alpha (a) Lyrae).

Peak activity normally results in a Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR) of 18 meteors per hour, but elevated rates have been observed in the past. In 1982 a peak ZHR of 90 was recorded. This year’s peak is expected to occur at 07:40 BST (06:40 UT) on 22 April, but over past years there has been variance. The peak ‘zone’ is expected to extend from 23:40 BST (22:40 UT) on 21 April to 10:40 BST (09:40 UT) on the 22nd. No enhanced activity is predicted but only observatio­n will confirm it doesn’t happen.

From the centre of the UK, true darkness falls around 22:40 BST (21:40 UT) on 21 April and lasts until 03:40 BST (02:40 UT) on the 22nd. The period from midnight BST (23:00 UT) until 03:40 BST (02:40 UT) is likely to be most productive, especially towards the end of the morning shift. At this time the radiant position will be almost overhead. A fortunate timing of new Moon on 23 April means the conditions for this year’s display are optimal.

We recommend looking up at a height of 60˚ in any direction. Southeast has some interestin­g constellat­ions and the Milky Way on view if your skies are dark. This view will include the radiant position in the early hours. Meteor trails close to the radiant will appear shorter due to perspectiv­e foreshorte­ning. If you decide to observe the shower, it’s important to allow your eyes 20 minutes of total darkness to become fully dark adapted. Avoid any further exposure to light until you’ve finished observing.

 ??  ?? A new Moon will coincide with the peak activity of the Lyrid meteor shower
A new Moon will coincide with the peak activity of the Lyrid meteor shower

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