BBC Sky at Night Magazine

Versatile viewing


Do you sometimes share the night sky with others? When you observe alone, do you prefer to observe standing, seated, or reclined? Do you sometimes wonder what your target object would look like through a different instrument? Here’s a binocular and mount observing kit that has it all. Without any additional outlay, or using any tools, you can instantly adjust your mount for people of different heights, and the perfect balance of the binoculars ensures that they will still be pointed at the same target. You can walk around the tripod, flitting from target to target, enjoying the variety of what these big objective lenses can show you or, as the mood takes you, pull up a garden recliner and, in comfort, examine an object or a region of sky in detail and depth. The Vixen–Skywatcher compatible dovetail block on the mount not only enables you to achieve perfect balance of the 25x100 binoculars but, if you are wondering how the views in another instrument compare, it will also accept any compatible scope.

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