BBC Sky at Night Magazine

Leonid meteor shower 2020

BEST TIME TO SEE: In the morning, 17 and 18 November


The annual Leonid meteor shower reaches its peak activity at 11:00 UT on 17 November with a ZHR (zenithal hourly rate) estimated to be somewhere in the range of 10–20 meteors per hour. This peak time is obviously in daylight, but there are also some interestin­g prediction­s for dust trail crossings at periods that will be in darkness for UK viewing.

Generally, the Leonids are best observed after midnight and technicall­y they should be putting on their best show during the morning of 17 November from 00:00 UT until the onset of dawn, around 05:40 UT. A watch on the morning of 18 November should still produce results, but is further from the predicted ZHR peak of 11:00 UT than the morning session on the 17th. An added bonus is that this year’s new Moon is out of the way for the peak period.

Although there’s a prediction of enhanced activity from 06:50 UT until 08:13 UT on the morning of 17 November, it’s expected that this will consist mostly of faint meteor trails. It’s also when the sky will be bright with morning twilight from the UK. A second period of enhancemen­t may occur during darkness in the early morning of 18 November at 00:58 UT. However, it’s not expected that these prediction­s are going to produce significan­t rate increases as the trails which are responsibl­e for them will have spread over time and will have become sparse.

Leonid meteors can typically be seen between 10–20 November; they are fast meteors, associated with the debris stream of comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle. The radiant is located within the curved portion of the Sickle asterism in Leo, the pattern that is meant to represent the Lion’s head.

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