Slough Express

Scouts meet Princess at concert


Scouts from troops across Slough were the guests of the Princess of Wales at a Christmas carol service in Westminste­r Abbey last month.

Twenty young people and five adult volunteers were among some 1,500 people at the Abbey, which also included the Prince of Wales and other royals.

The Princess, who is the joint president of Scouting, invited the scouts to hold candles which were lit to as part of proceeding­s.

Slough Scouts lead volunteer, Harrison Saunders said: “We were ushered through as the Princess’ guests as they called us.

“When we went into abbey we had a quick rehearsal [of lighting the candles] before we were split into four groups.”

Once the carol service was underway, a flame was passed between the scouts and each candle was lit in procession.

“It was a lovely service, a really good start to the beginning of Christmas,” added Harrison.

Royalty came to Slough Scouts in May, when the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children visited 3rd Upton Scouts to help renovate their hall as part of the Big Help Out, a national day of volunteeri­ng.

At the service, the Princess met some of the young people – all beavers, cubs and scouts from 1st Britwell, 2nd Cippenham and 3rd Upton – as they waited for the event to begin.

Harrison said: “She shook my hand and had a high five with each of the scouts.”

“They thought it was amazing some of the scouts that got a high five from Kate were so happy they were telling everyone that they met: ‘I just got a high five from the Princess’.

“And when we got the Tube back, they were telling people on the Tube too.”

The Together at Christmas carol service was broadcast to a TV audience on Christmas Eve and took place on December 8.

 ?? ?? Picture by Andrew Parsons / Kensington Palace
Picture by Andrew Parsons / Kensington Palace

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