South Wales Echo

Plaid, Tories and Ukip ally to derail Carwyn Jones’ confirmati­on as First Minister


Glad to see someone standing up to Labour in Wales. They’ve taken the Welsh vote for granted for way too long!

Dan Ley

This is plain “playing at politics” at a time when Wales needs a firm hand on the tiller and decisive action! Shame on Leanne and Plaid for their involvemen­t. It’s about what you’d expect from the Tories, while Ukip should be an irrelevanc­e except they’ve now been given an invaluable opportunit­y to hit the headlines and distract the public’s eye from their internal problems. A sad day for Wales.

Pem Jay

Let her enjoy her five minutes of fame. Once electorate see her aligning with Ukip and Tories they will realise what a Plaid vote means.

Diane Dark

By getting in to bed with Ukip and the Tories I wonder what her Rhondda constituen­ts will think of this.

Chris Lent

Plaid have not connected themselves with Ukip and the Tories, they voted due to tactic to get Labour out. The Welsh Maggie.

Rhyn Williams

Why on earth do people vote for that woman? She wants Wales to be a socialist republic with herself as the Queen.

Jennifer Banks

This is her annoyance at not being asked to form a coalition with Labour in the Assembly. She has always despised Ukip and the Tories and never made a secret of it but is quite happy to ask for their votes. They will also be expecting big favours from her if she is elected First Minister.

Yvonne Armstrong

Carwyn is a self serving Blairite, so I hope that Plaid tear a few holes in him.

Martyn Meacham

It’s only for first minister folks...

Brian Jenkins Robert Smith Christophe­r Neil Smith

Too much fighting between these parties. Think what could be done if they united.

Shel Williams

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