South Wales Echo


- WITH DAVID OWENS If you have a gig coming up or are releasing material and would like to be featured in this column, email Dave Owens at david.owens@, call 029 2024 3628 or tweet @asoundreac­tion

How would you describe your music to the uninitiate­d?

Honest, wholeheart­ed, warming music that might make you feel something like never before.

What is your earliest musical memory?

Sat in my bedroom with my good friend Dan Price listening to our favourite records, then attempting to play them in the same way as we heard them.

Who was your earliest musical influence?

The Kooks, Oasis, Jack Johnson, Norah Jones. What made you want to pick up an instrument and play? Being around friends who were already immersed in the music culture at the time, and of course, listening to The Beatles for the very first time.

What was the first record you bought?

Wheatus. From Tesco’s I think it was.

What was the first gig you attended?

The Cribs, who played at Cardiff’s Student Union when I was around 14 years old.

What’s the best gig/s you’ve been to?

Red Hot Chili Peppers when they played the Millennium Stadium in 2004. Also The Prodigy, when they played at the Motorpoint Arena which was called the CIA back then.

What’s the best gig you’ve played?

On a barge, sat on the River Thames. The thing would not stop rocking, neither did we though!

Who would be your dream artiste to work with?

Noel Gallagher or Kelly Jones.

What’s for the future?

Plenty of gigs, plenty of new music and hopefully some collaborat­ive work with other artists/musicians. I love to travel playing my music so I really hope I get the chance to do a tour around Europe or the States. Just jump in a camper van, chuck my guitar in it and travel the globe.

Where can we find out more about you? vincejames­music­music jamesss

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