South Wales Echo

Jailed paedophile admits further child sex offences


A SERIAL paedophile who was jailed for life for repeatedly raping a toddler has admitted raping another child.

Depraved Aaron Hughes, 35, was jailed in 2014 for drugging and raping a sleeping three-year-old.

He filmed the attacks on his mobile phone so he could watch them over and over again on his computer.

Yesterday, Newport Crown Court heard the new offences came to light while Hughes was in prison.

He was later charged with 10 sexual offences against three teenage boys.

Hughes, who appeared in court via video-link from HMP Parc in Bridgend, pleaded guilty to one charge of rape committed in 2008.

He also admitted three charges of sexual activity against two boys and one charge of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, which were all carried out in 2004.

Caroline Rees, prosecutin­g, said those pleas were acceptable to the Crown and they would not seek a trial on five further counts of sexual activity with a child.

“There have been discussion­s with the complainan­ts in the case and they know of the proposed pleas,” she told Judge Daniel Williams.

“There is a significan­t antecedent history in this case and it would be helpful to your honour in order to assess dangerousn­ess. The defendant is currently serving a life sentence in respect of similar offences.”

Susan Ferrier, defending, said Hughes had been due to attend court but he had “not been receiving” his medication for depression and anxiety “for some time” and was “anxious” about leaving prison.

Judge Williams adjourned sentencing until April 27 and told Hughes: “You have pleaded guilty to serious offences.

“I cannot sentence you until you have been assessed by the Probation Service, who will prepare a pre-sentence report upon you.”

Hughes was remanded in custody until he is sentenced.

In 2014, Cardiff Crown Court heard how Hughes had been given a child by babysitter Claire Semmens, who was herself jailed for 16 years after admitting two charges of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and possessing indecent images.

He was caught when police did a routine check on his computer because they believed he had breached a court order by downloadin­g indecent images of children.

Officers found that he had filmed himself raping a child twice and Hughes, previously of Roath, Cardiff, admitted two charges of rape, possessing indecent images and breaching the terms of his sex offenders prevention order.

He was jailed for life and told he would not be considered for parole until he had served 12 years in prison.

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