South Wales Echo

Theft by carer left family unable to afford funeral


A FAMILY was left unable to pay for their loved one’s funeral after a thieving care worker systematic­ally drained his bank account, a court heard.

Relatives of 66-year-old Brian Murray were devastated when they could not afford funeral expenses after his death last July following the £6,000 theft by carer Richard Riordan.

Sentencing at Cardiff Crown Court, Recorder Simon Mills said: “This was very distressin­g, indeed devastatin­g, for his family, adding to their grief at his loss.”

The court heard Riordan, 31, stole money from two vulnerable victims while working for Gabriel’s Care Agency in Barry.

Prosecutor John Warren said: “There was a breach of trust as he systematic­ally stole money from two clients.”

He said the defendant stole £1,790 from 78-year-old Christophe­r Williams between March and May 2016.

The court heard Mr Williams had speech difficulti­es and limited mobility and never went out alone.

Prosecutor­s said his support worker was looking at his bank statements last May when she noticed some suspicious transactio­ns.

Mr Warren said: “Large amounts of cash had been withdrawn.”

He also received a message from his bank regarding the transactio­ns and quickly went into Barclays Bank in Penarth.

Prosecutor­s said the defendant stood behind his client at cash machines, memorised his PIN number and subsequent­ly used his card to withdraw cash for himself.

Police discovered the defendant had stolen £6,621 from 66-year-old Brian Murray between November 2015 and March 2016.

Prosecutor­s said the carer initially got on “extremely well” with Mr Murray, who had his leg amputated.

Riordan was his carer for about 10 months and the client said he was “chatty” and “friendly”.

Mr Warren said the defendant offered to do Mr Murray’s shopping in November 2015 and was entrusted with his bank card.

When police examined his bank account, they found Riordan had made about 40 transactio­ns and stolen more than £6,000.

Mr Murray’s sister-in-law Sharon Murray made a victim personal statement on behalf of the family following his death in July last year.

She said: “Brian was a hard-working husband, father and brother.”

The court heard his health deteriorat­ed after he lost his wife to cancer when she was 41 and his family helped to put a care plan in place for him.

Mrs Murray said he took an overdose following the incident and never recovered.

She added: “Due to the pure greed of this person, we did not even have the money for a funeral.

Riordan was arrested and interviewe­d twice, but did not tell police what had happened to the cash.

The court heard he had a previous conviction for theft by employee, relating to his time working at Cardiff Airport in May 2015.

Prosecutor­s said he fabricated documents and was caught on CCTV pocketing cash.

Riordan, of Teilos Drive, Brackla, Bridgend, pleaded guilty to two counts of theft.

Owen Williams, defending, said: “There has been a gross breach of a high degree of trust.”

Mr Williams stressed the fatherof-two had pleaded guilty at the first opportunit­y and shown remorse.

Recorder Simon Mills described the victims as “very vulnerable”.

He noted the defendant had caused “really significan­t distress” to Mr Murray’s family by preventing them from being able to afford his funeral. Riordan was jailed for 10 months and ordered to pay a victim surcharge.

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