South Wales Echo

YOURS Extra footpath to improve pupils’ safety welcomed


CARDIFF West Assembly Member Mark Drakeford has recently visited Mary Immaculate High School to support the school in improving road safety.

The secondary school, located between Ely and Wenvoe, has in recent months been campaignin­g to improve road safety along Caerau Lane.

Cardiff council has now agreed to extend an additional footpath allowing pupils to walk safely down both sides of the road.

An online petition was launched in February to highlight the issue and currently has more than 800 signatures made up of students, parents and members of the local community.

Head teacher Huw Powell said: “As a school we have had real concern about the safety of our students who walk or cycle into school and we welcome the news that the council are willing to improve the road safety.

“We are a growing school with over 800 students on roll for September 2017 of which around two-thirds of our pupils walk to school and have to negotiate Caerau Lane.

“Currently Caerau Lane has just one footpath which runs the length of Caerau Lane down to Heol Trelai. This has meant that all our students who walk home need to fit onto the one footpath making it congested and dangerous.”

As well as Mr Drakeford, the campaign has also been supported by Labour Councillor­s and Elaine Simmons.

Mr Drakeford, Cardiff West AM, said: “I welcome the fact that the local council has been able to find the money to make improvemen­ts to pupil safety at Mary Immaculate.

“These students will now be able to attend the school in the knowledge that steps have been taken to greatly improve their safety.”

Mr Powell added: “We also feel that to make the road truly safe we would also like to see a designated cycle route running the length of Caerau Lane, repainting of yellow lines in front of the school and adding an additional zebra crossing allowing pupils to cross the road safely.” Peter Bradbury

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