South Wales Echo

BABIES ‘Gray is a happy baby ... with a grumpy face’


Baby’s name: Gray Tomos Yates. Date and place of birth: January 11 at 2.42am at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital. Weight: 8lb. Parents: Paige Brooks, 23, a sales assistant, and dad Daniel Yates, 26, a water company employee, from Church Village, Rhondda. Mum’s story: “This is my second child, and this one was easier than the first.

“On my first I had some medical difficulti­es, I suffered from tachycardi­a which is a heart problem, but with Gray I didn’t have any of those symptoms.

“I did suffer from some morning sickness in the beginning, and I didn’t have any cravings at all.

“I felt quite anxious with this pregnancy because I knew exactly what was coming, compared to my first where I was a bit more open minded.

“We did know that we were having a boy, we found out at about 16 weeks.

“We liked the name Grayson first of all, but with my other daughter Aurora (aged one) no-one calls her that anyway so we thought we would just go with Gray.

“It took a lot of time to decide because my partner wasn’t keen, but I guess I won in the end.

“I went in for a check-up and that’s when my waters broke while I was there.

“They had planned for an induction the next day but nothing happened.

“But then later on that evening they started the induction and then I went into active labour. It was all over quite quickly really.

“With my daughter the labour lasted for five days.

“We have been very lucky in that Gray and Aurora both sleep right through. Gray goes to sleep at about 9.30pm and wakes at 6.30am.

“He’s quite a typical boy really. He’s very content just sitting there and he’s got quite a grumpy face.

“He’s a happy baby, you don’t really hear too much from him.

“Gray definitely looks like his dad, they both do. I carried them for that long and I don’t get a look-in. He’s like a chubbier version of dad.

“Aurora wasn’t very good with children before, she didn’t really know what to make of any babies.

“But when I brought him home she was very gentle and she just changed. She mothers him like I do.

“When we first brought him home everything just dawns on you and you just think we’ve got two children now.

“Even though we were prepared, nothing really can prepare you for it.

“It’s hard to get out and about now, there’s no such thing as popping to the shops.

“You have to take everything with you bar the kitchen sink.”

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