South Wales Echo

ex-estate aGent jailed For staB attack

- LIZ DAY Reporter­

A FORMER estate agent has been jailed for stabbing a man in the heart after a gang armed with clubs and bats attacked his car.

Anthony Lowe, 35, was sent to prison for eight years after he was cleared by a jury of attempted murder, but convicted of inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent.

In her sentencing remarks at Cardiff Crown Court, Judge Eleri Rees told the defendant: “You stabbed him and the knife pierced deep into his heart.”

The court heard Lowe stabbed Keiron Beccano outside his flat on Mill Place in Ely, Cardiff, at around 1.40pm on Sunday, August 28, last year.

An eyewitness saw the defendant carrying a knife with a blade between 6in and 8in and saw the victim “gasping for air”.

Prosecutor Lucy Crowther told the court Mr Beccano was rushed to the University Hospital of Wales, where he was treated for life-threatenin­g injuries.

Alisdair Williamson QC, defending, said his client was “scared for his life”, but prosecutor­s argued he should have stayed inside and called 999 instead of taking the law into his own hands.

The court heard Lowe had 20 previous conviction­s, including common assault, battery and criminal damage.

Mr Williamson acknowledg­ed Lowe had a “poor” record, but argued it was “low-level” offending.

Highlighti­ng the degree of provocatio­n, he said: “It is clear that he was under attack, faced with an armed gang.”

Lowe denied attempted murder, arguing he was acting in lawful self-defence when the gang attacked his car and targeted him with a Taser.

The defence barrister said the jury’s verdict indicated they accepted he was acting in self-defence, but believed the force used to be excessive.

He argued Lowe delivered a single blow and stated it was an isolated incident.

Mr Williamson added: “He feels nothing but sorrow for what has happened to Mr Beccano.”

The court heard the victim was discharged from hospital on September 6 last year and is making a good recovery.

Mr Williamson said Lowe used to work as an estate agent in London, but lost his job after losing his driving licence.

He moved to Cardiff after meeting his partner online, but said he was the subject of “constant harassment” and “racist abuse” on the estate in Ely.

Mr Williamson added: “There was a long back story and he was put in an impossible position.”

Lowe was jailed for eight years.

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Anthony Lowe

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