South Wales Echo

Russian march to remember WWII fallen


THE Russian community of Cardiff is set to hold a parade through the city to remember those who died in the Second World War.

The Victory Walk will be held in the city on May 9 – the first time the event has been held in the capital.

Although most marchers will be Russian or Russian-speaking from former Soviet states, anyone is welcome to join the expected crowd of 100 people.

One of the organisers, Alevtina Kempster, 45, said: “In Russia we always have these parades, but we have never done it here [in Cardiff] before.

“All of the people doing the walk bring photograph­s of their relatives they lost during the Second World War.”

The march is part of the Immortal Regiment movement, which was started in the 1960s as a way to remember people killed during the war.

Mrs Kempster said that increasing­ly strained relations between Russia and the West makes the march even more important.

Originally from near St Petersburg, she said: “That is why we are doing this, to do things together and put these politics aside.

“We really just want peace, we don’t want war and we don’t want it to be how it was.

“And especially with all of these terror attacks lately, it’s good to be united together. Anyone is welcome to join us.

“We especially want children to come so that they learn about what happened.”

Mrs Kempster moved to Wales 10 years ago with her British husband Vincent Kempster and during the march she will carry the name of his uncle.

Mrs Kempster, a Russian language tutor, said: “We don’t have a photograph of him, but I will be carrying the name of my husband’s uncle.

“His name was Roy Piper and he was from Winchester in England. He was a sergeant and he died in the Second World War when he was only 19.”

The organisers are appealing for British veterans to join them on their march, which has been partly funded by the Russian embassy in London.

Mrs Kempster can be contacted on 07450 254380.

The march is planned to start outside City Hall at 5pm and will travel along The Friary and Queen Street, finishing at City Hall.

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