South Wales Echo

Man treated for dog bites after attack


A MAN was attacked by a dog as he tried to protect his own pet.

Cardiff Crown Court heard that James Morrison was walking his dog Cassie when the animal ran at them and sunk its teeth into her neck before biting him.

Susan Ferrier, prosecutin­g, said the victim shouted for help as he tried to pull the attacking dog away.

The court heard the incident occurred in the evening of August 30 last year at Dunlin Court in Barry.

Mr Morrison was walking Cassie past a garden when he saw the black and white patchy dog running towards them.

The prosecutor said: “It was clear the dog was trying to get at Cassie.”

She said Mr Morrison grabbed the attacking dog’s harness, but it was so strong the harness snapped.

Ms Ferrier said the dog “latched on” to Cassie’s neck, while her owner struggled and shouted for help.

The court heard the attacking dog’s owner Marcus Walsh came into the garden and managed to get his dog to release its grip.

Mr Morrison was on the floor with Cassie and saw the other dog sink its teeth into her chin.

Mr Ferrier said she “yelped” as her owner again tried to pull the attacking dog off, before other people arrived and managed to separate them.

The court heard Mr Morrison suffered puncture wounds to his hands and wrists and injuries to his ribs. A friend took him to accident and emergency at the University Hospital of Wales, where his wounds were cleaned and he was given a tetanus injection.

Prosecutor­s said Walsh had been before the courts for 115 previous offences, including assault, attempted robbery and drugs offences.

Ms Ferrier said he had previously encouraged his dog Otto to bite a victim during an affray.

Walsh, 34, from Coronation Street in Barry, admitted being in charge of a dog that was dangerousl­y out of control and caused injury.

Kevin Seal, defending, said his client had kept dogs all his life and had Otto since he was a puppy.

The defendant told police Cassie was not on a lead and stated that both dogs were involved in the fighting.

Walsh stated he had three children, including a newborn baby, and Otto had never bitten a child.

Recorder Paul Hopkins QC said the court would have to make a destructio­n order, unless it was satisfied that the dog did not present a danger to public safety.

Mr Seal argued Otto was a muchloved family pet and asked the court to consider other measures.

The judge warned the defendant he was likely to order the dog to be put down, but said he would keep an open mind.

He adjourned the case for Otto to be fully assessed in terms of temperamen­t and obedience. Walsh was granted bail until the next hearing on August 19.

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