South Wales Echo

‘Low risk’ man found dead in river


A MAN who was considered a “low risk” of suicide by mental health services was found dead in a river days later, an inquest has heard.

Peter Henson, 32, died on March 12 this year after his body was discovered by a kayaker in the River Ogmore, in Aberkenfig, Bridgend.

An inquest at Aberdare Coroners’ Court yesterday heard that Mr Henson had threatened to take his own life to an ex-partner on the day before his death.

The day before that he had been assessed by a mental health profession­al at the Princess of Wales Hospital presenting as a low risk of suicide.

The court heard from Mr Henson’s mother Rosemary Henson who described her son as a “hard working man” who had several jobs over the years.

She described him as having a problem with alcohol and he had begun drinking aged 14. She said that on March 10, she had become concerned for her son after he had told his ex-partner he wanted to end his life.

Police were called and took him to hospital where he was seen by Jane Jones, a member of the mental health crisis team.

Mrs Jones said he didn’t think he was getting any help but she said he then “opened up a lot and he said he wanted help to get better”.

She said a full risk assessment was carried out and Mr Henson told her he had no plans to take his own life.

“There was a plan to follow up with him the next day. I didn’t think there was a need for admission.”

On March 11, Mr Henson visited his expartner Elaine Whitcombe, and in a statement to the court, she described him “bursting out crying” and asking for help.

She called the police but he left before they arrived after again making threats to kill himself.

On March 12, Mr Henson’s body was discovered in the River Ogmore by kay- aker Jack Rowley.

In a statement, Mr Rowley said: “I could see what appeared to be a body of a person lying face down in the water.

“I checked to see if he had a pulse but he didn’t.”

Mr Henson was taken to hospital where he was formally pronounced dead.

A post-mortem examinatio­n was carried out which revealed an official cause of death of drowning.

A toxicology report revealed that Mr Henson was more than three times the drink-driving limit at the time of his death.

Senior coroner Andrew Barkley said he was satisfied that the mental health care Mr Henson received was “appropriat­e” after a Serious Incident Review had come to the conclusion there were no failings.

He said: “There are a great deal of questions which simply have unknown answers.”

Mr Barkley recorded a narrative conclusion.

Speaking after the hearing, Mr Henson’s family said: “The family wish to thank everyone for their support.

“Pete was really loved by all of his family and friends and will be dearly missed.”

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