South Wales Echo

All primary pupils to be offered jab


ALL primary schoolchil­dren will be offered the flu vaccine from 2018-19 to further protect against the spread of the virus, it has been announced.

During the last flu season children in reception and years one, two and three in Wales were all vaccinated against influenza by the school nursing service.

But Minister for Social Services and Public Health Rebecca Evans has announced that year four pupils will also get the vaccine in 2017-18 followed by pupils in years five and six in 2018-19.

She said: “This means that from 2018-19 all primary schoolchil­dren in Wales will be offered the flu vaccine in school.

“Emerging evidence from the rollout of the routine vaccinatio­n programme in primary schools elsewhere in the UK has shown that vaccinatin­g younger children can have a significan­t impact on reducing the circulatio­n of flu virus in the community and, through a herd effect, reducing GP consultati­ons, hospital admissions, and deaths from flu.

“In September I will be meeting with profession­al bodies and other relevant organisati­ons to ensure that arrangemen­ts are in place to support the successful delivery of the flu vaccinatio­n programme in 2017-18.”

The announceme­nt coincided with a new report from Public Health Wales which looked at the impact of influenza and the uptake of the vaccinatio­n in 2016-17.

It found that the flu season arrived earlier – and peaked earlier – than the previous two years and circulated at “moderate” levels in the community.

While there were 49 reported outbreaks in care homes and hospital settings, the report revealed GP consultati­on rates and confirmed hospital cases were slightly lower than 2015-16.

The report also stated that more people in Wales than ever before received the flu vaccine in 2016-17 – up from 730,246 in 2015-16 to 761,838 – which equates to around a quarter (24%) of the estimated population.

Community pharmacies are playing an increasing­ly important role in the vaccinatio­n programme by providing 26,889 vaccinatio­ns as part of the NHS service, an increase of 36% on 2015-16.

And vaccine uptake in two and three-year-old children, who are immunised in primary care, increased to 45%.

Uptake by NHS staff with direct patient contact increased to 52% and exceeded the 50% target for Wales for the first time.

Ms Evans added: “Flu vaccine uptake in Wales continues to be amongst the best in Europe and it is a tribute to the hard work of NHS staff involved in delivery of the flu vaccinatio­n programme that the number of vulnerable people choosing to have the flu vaccine is growing.

“However, we are still below where we would like to be in some at risk groups.”

The Welsh NHS says planning for next season’s campaign is already under way.

A “more realistic” annual vaccinatio­n target is being set for people under 65 years of age in “at-risk” groups, such as those with chronic conditions and pregnant women. The target will be reduced from 75% to 55%.

And the uptake target for NHS staff members is set to increase from 50% to 60% in a bid to get more healthcare profession­als protected.

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