South Wales Echo

Olivia blinded in one eye after stone was thrown, says mum


A MUM said her eight-year-old daughter has lost the sight in one eye after she claims a child threw a stone at her.

Samantha Bell said doctors told her the stone split Olivia’s left pupil and she will never see out of that eye again.

The incident happened when Olivia, from Llanrumney in Cardiff, was out playing.

Samantha said police have been unable to take action against the child involved as they are under 10, which is the age of criminal responsibi­lity.

But she hopes that by speaking out, other parents and children will realise that something as simple as throwing a stone can have serious consequenc­es.

“She has been a little trouper. She told me not to worry because she has another eye,” said Samantha, 31, who is also mum to Eva, four.

“She was cwtching me when I was in bits. She has been a little star.”

Samantha said blood poured from Olivia’s eye after the incident and she was taken to A&E at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff.

“I was at Bristol Hospital because my partner’s father had a brain aneurysm. I just had a phone call from my mother saying, ‘I’m at A&E, the doctors said you need to get here now.’

“I got there and they told me that the damage is so severe in her eye that they might not be able to fix it. It’s gone straight through her pupil and damaged the back of her eye.”

Following the incident early last Wednesday evening, Olivia was taken for surgery on Thursday morning.

Samantha said medics asked her to sign a form in case they had to remove her daughter’s eyeball.

She said: “They managed to save the eye, but she is 100% blind. She spent three hours in surgery and there were eight or nine doctors in there working to save her eye.”

Samantha praised the “amazing” staff at UHW who “stitched” her daughter’s eye back together.

But despite their best efforts, she said they’ve told her Olivia will only ever be able to see a bit of light and shadow with her left eye.

“The only time she has cried is when she thought they would have to remove the whole eyeball,” said Samantha.

“She knows full well she can’t see and she is just like, ‘Mummy, it’s OK.’

“Eva has been trying to offer her eye to Olivia. She said, ‘Mummy, I will give Olivia my eye.’”

Samantha said Olivia will have to stay home from school for three months while the stitches remain in her patched-up eye.

“She is constantly having to take pain medication and is suffering from headaches now,” she said.

South Wales Police were contacted but they were unable to provide a comment.

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