South Wales Echo

Medics warn of a rise in ‘aggressive’ Spice inmates


USERS of the so-called “zombie drug” Spice aged up to 50 are causing havoc at two South Wales hospitals, medics have warned.

Doctors at Bridgend’s Princess of Wales and Morriston Hospital in Swansea are having to turn to general anaestheti­c to bring drug users under control as cases have spiralled from one or two cases a year to three or four each night at weekends.

The spike in problems is due to the knock-on effect of prisoners having taken the drug coming in from Swansea and Parc Prison in Bridgend.

Swearing, kicking and biting, patients are lashing out at staff and are smashing equipment and targeting windows because of the powerful drug.

Andy Macnab, emergency medicine consultant at Morriston Hospital, said Spice was the biggest culprit for cases of violence and aggression being seen against accident and emergency staff.

Mr Macnab said: “Synthetic cannabinoi­ds, or so-called Spice, does not act like cannabis.

“It makes users very unpredicta­ble and accounts for a large number of incidents of violence and aggression in the department.

“Users can become completely out of control or they are floored by the drug and stop breathing.

“Spice can make them really aggressive and psychotic.

“It can cause fits which can’t be controlled, and users can end up in ITU [Intensive Treatment Unit] because they develop an extremely high temperatur­e or heart rates of 150-200 beats per minute.

“Some people become very aggressive towards friends and family, and they are often very difficult to control.

“It can take several staff and a couple of hours to deal with them.

“It can take a member of security staff, two or three nurses and a couple of doctors to deal with them.”

A new report by Public Health Wales has found that hospital admissions related to cannabis and “synthetic cannabinoi­ds” such as Spice have increased from 518 in 2011/12 to 1,323 in 2016/17.

Spice, otherwise known as black mamba or frozen Spice, is known as the “zombie drug” and has led to a rise in the number of people slumped and passed out on high streets in broad daylight.

Mr Macnab added: “Aggressive behaviour can include biting, kicking, swearing and smashing equipment and windows. They arrive in the back of police vans or by ambulance, sometimes unconsciou­s.

“We get cases throughout the week, but it gets worse at weekends. We treat their symptoms, and give them fluids. Sometimes we have to sedate them or even give them a general anaestheti­c because they are a risk to themselves and others.

“We have a problem with inmates who have taken Spice coming into Morriston and the Princess of Wales EDs (emergency department) from Swansea and Parc Prisons.

“It is getting worse. It used to be one or two cases a year, then a few a month and now it is three or four each night at weekends.”

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