South Wales Echo

That’s not what we wanted for Christmas!


BARRY’S town centre Christmas tree has been removed just hours after it was put up due to its poor condition.

The 40-foot conifer arrived in King Square on Thursday morning but was so shabby it had to be removed and sent back to the supplier. The sparse tree was pictured missing several branches.

Plaid Cymru councillor for the centre of Barry Ian Johnson snapped a photo of the “sad” looking tree on his way past.

He said: “As Wales’ largest town, you would expect that Barry would have a Christmas tree designed to impress.

“Sadly, the original tree didn’t fit the bill. When I crossed King Square on Thursday morning, the Vale Council had erected a rather sad looking tree and removed it before I crossed the square again at lunchtime.

“I am surprised that nobody realised there was a problem before it was put up at full height.

“The Christmas lights switchon at Holton Road, taking place next Saturday night, is a big event in the Barry calendar and it’s only right that there’s a tree worthy of the occasion in Wales’ biggest town, alongside the town’s Christmas market and ice skating rink in Central Park.

“I have asked the council to confirm that the replacemen­t tree and extra staff working hours will not be at taxpayers’ expense.”

Councillor Jonathan Bird, Vale of Glamorgan Council Cabinet Member for Regenerati­on and Planning, said: “The Barry town centre Christmas tree arrived on Thursday morning and once put on display was clearly not of sufficient standard.

“The council took the immediate step to remove the tree and the suppliers are sending a replacemen­t on Saturday morning.”

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