South Wales Echo




GABRIELLE Parry grew up in Wattstown, Rhondda, before finding herself on the streets at the age of just 15, sleeping rough for more than five years until she turned 21.

Gabrielle, 38, said she has been in prison 34 times, serving time for a total of 10 years for offences including theft.

She said: “When I was younger I didn’t care about being on the streets as I was adventurou­s but as I got older it got harder.

“It’s not about comfort – it’s just about getting through the cold nights. When you’ve got someone else you cwtch up with them to stay warm that helps a little but you can’t sleep tidy.

“You have got to keep one eye open and keep your belongings safe because that’s all you own.

“Then in the morning and all day long you walk around like a zombie because you haven’t had any sleep.”

Gabrielle, a mother of four, said she shoplifted which meant being in and out of jail for most of her life.

She explained: “I was a vindictive shoplifter. I decided to stop. Living homeless meant I was just walking around the outskirts of town – it’s hard.

“I didn’t want to be doing it – I wanted to change my life.”

Gabrielle arrived at Adref in November and said: “This place is good. I’m glad to be here.

“I didn’t want to spend another winter on the streets. Especially at my age it’s hard work and you think ‘how much longer can you survive?’

“A lot of bad things do happen to you on the streets. I have gone through everything you can name apart from being murdered. I don’t want to go into every detail because I’d be here forever.”

She has found herself homeless again in recent years but has hope for the future.

“Hopefully I will have my own place again – I need it.

“I got out of jail on Halloween but it’s so easy to suddenly find yourself homeless. It could turn at the blink of an eye for anyone.

“And it’s bad out there, especially for women.

“Things happen to women. It’s frightenin­g but you have just got to put it behind you and carry on.”

Paula Williams, 32, grew up in Church Village.

She said: “I had a place in the Graig, Pontypridd, but I ended up going to jail. I came out a few months ago and I ended up homeless.” So what was life like on the streets? “It was graft,” Paula explained. “You have to work every day to get money and very often you just end up back in jail. I’ve been in jail about 12 times. You can’t claim your benefits because you don’t have an address.

“Nine times out of 10 people are going back to jail because that’s a safe environmen­t for them, except for a place back here.”

Paula went to Rhondda Cynon Taf council for help and was soon put in touch with the hostel.

She said: “Since I have been here they have been brilliant – they give you food, do washing and general things like that to help you back on your feet.

“Without this place I would have ended up back in jail.”

Liam Ayling, 31, had been living with his ex-partner and children in Gilfach Goch before he became homeless.

He spent a week on the streets and said: “At the time it wasn’t cold and wintery like it is now – it was the middle of summer.

“But it was hard. I had anxiety and depression which didn’t help.”

Dad-of-five Liam, who is originally from Manchester, added: “I came to Mill Street in August. “It’s brilliant here – they helped me open a bank account and get my life on track and help from looking for properties to getting me doctor appointmen­ts.

“I was lucky really – it’s high demand to get in here. I was lucky to get a place within a week. “I’m very grateful to this place. The staff are brilliant and if they can help you they will help you. They are always so welcoming and very polite.”

Another service user, a 35-yearold man from Cardiff who wished to remain anonymous, described how he became homeless after losing his mother last year.

He said: “Being a single man I wasn’t priority and what happened put me in a position where I needed some help for the first time in my life.

“I have never been in a situation like this. I worked since I was 15, but never had to use my money to put a roof over my head.”

He was recommende­d to contact the centre, is hoping to get back to college and rebuild his life, and is soon to move into his own property in the area.

He said: “A lot of people ask: ‘Why the Valleys?’ I think up here it’s so communal.

“Everyone knows each other and everyone’s so polite, which is so helpful when you are in a situation like this. People have got time for each other.

“I’ve got to say the help here at the centre is out of this world. The staff here have gone all out to help me.

“They communicat­ed with me even when I wasn’t in here – these guys will do anything to help you.

“I have massive respect for the staff. I don’t think they get enough credit.”

A fifth service user we spoke to was a 42-year-old woman from the Rhondda.

She said she arrived at the centre after suffering from domestic abuse, arriving straight from hospital while looking for properties.

“I have spent time on the streets,” she said. “It was horrendous – you are cold, tired and hungry. You couldn’t keep yourself clean. You get scared. It’s terrible – I wouldn’t wish it on my worse enemy.”

She arrived at the centre earlier this year and said: “It was the best thing I have ever done.

“They addressed all my problems under one umbrella. Usually you have got to go to different places for everything.”

She said the centre provided “great support”, adding: “People don’t realise it costs hundreds of pounds a week to stay here but they take it for granted. Since I came here I’ve been trying to volunteer with the church and although I’ve had a drugs problem for years since I came here I have lost that.

“I am now able to sit around people rather than isolating myself. I had a problem with trusting people but I have now broken through that barrier.” Their comments come after it was recently revealed dozens of people are regularly seen sleeping rough in RCT and the Mill Street hostel’s manager Julie Williams said being homeless in the Valleys was “very different” to the experience in the cities.

“I saw a big difference when I was in Swansea. You see the tents everywhere.

“But you don’t see that so much around here. They are afraid of letting people know where they are staying.

“There are big struggles because they don’t know where to go. They don’t know what support networks are out there and they have financial issues.

“They have lost their address and don’t get benefit letters so they stop. They get sucked into substance misuse and cannot get help for their mental health. It’s just hopelessne­ss.”

Executive director of Adref, Dave Jones, said: “The Valleys is not a particular­ly safe place to be homeless.

“In the large cities at least you get these communitie­s of homeless but it’s rare up here so people tend to remove themselves – we’ve always found that.

“It’s a perfect storm with everything that’s gone on since austerity – the bedroom tax and so on. There’s been benefit changes so if you’re of a certain age you can only access certain accommodat­ion.

“Changes to Universal Credit are the next thing to worry about. People will suffer from that too. All these things have put added pressure onto the housing market. There’s less available now but more people needing it.”

He said the Adref project, which works with Rhondda Cynon Taf council, has been running for 13 years and has always been oversubscr­ibed.

He added: “We used to only be able to accept a third of those presented. People move out and someone else moves straight back in. The pressure is as bad as it’s been if not worse.”

Carly Dancey, above right, is a support worker for Street Smart, a new sixmonth project run by Adref meaning two of the building’s 12 beds are for emergency cases and “priority” cases who are often taken in straight from the street.

The other 10 beds must be referrals from housing associatio­ns but are still for those who have been sleeping rough.

She said: “People don’t tell us where they sleep rough because they are worried that if they do we will tell the police and they’ll get moved on. I couldn’t think of anywhere late at night where I would say ‘I think you’ll be safe there.’”

So is the new emergency provision in response to added demand, or has there always been a need for these services?

Ms Dancey said: “There always been a need for these emergency rooms, it’s just now we are lucky enough to have them.

“They mean we are able to work in a more flexible way but we have to work on an appointmen­t basis because we are so busy.

“But I do think the homelessne­ss problem has got worse over the last couple of years.”

Ms Williams said Adref aims to move service users into shared accommodat­ion, housing associatio­n buildings, or longer-term hostels, as well as giving them skills to manage a tenancy.

“It’s not all doom and gloom,” she said. “This is a very successful scheme and a lot we have worked with have worked out well and lots of them cannot wait to get back into work.”

She added: “Some of them think ‘this is my home’ but it’s not, it’s a stopgap. We need to get the right balance there meaning they do not get too comfortabl­e.”

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