South Wales Echo

Police gathered ‘extensive’ CCTV footage in murder inquiry, court told


POLICE gathered “extensive” closed-circuit television footage evidence while investigat­ing the case of two men accused of murder, a court heard.

Detective Constable Alan James, from South Wales Police, was called to give evidence in the second week of Aaron Bingham and Nicholas Saleh’s trial at Cardiff Crown Court.

He told the jury the aim of gathering the CCTV and compiling it into a “matrix” or summary timeline was to gain “as much intelligen­ce as possible” about the movements of those involved.

Sean Kelly was 37 when he died following the alleged incident that happened on Theodora Street in Splott, Cardiff, at around 3.30am on July 13 last year.

DC James said there was “extensive” CCTV evidence in the case, with more than 20 clips before the jury. The court heard police recovered footage from areas including City Road, Madoc Road, Tweedsmuir Road, Habershon Street, Splott Road, Pearl Street, Theodora Street and Broadway.

Some of the footage shows Mr Kelly and his friend Ashley Facey in the moments just before and just after the alleged attack.

Prosecutor­s allege Bingham stabbed Mr Kelly with his friend Saleh “participat­ing in the fatal attack”.

The court previously heard one witness heard a man shout “I will f***ing kill you” while another heard “I’m going to slice him up”.

Mr Kelly died on July 16 last year and a pathologis­t found the cause of death to be multiple organ failure caused by blood loss, as a result of a stab wound.

Prosecutor­s said Mr Kelly was stabbed in his left leg, leaving a wound that was at least 5cm deep and about 4cm long.

Bingham, 18, from Tweedsmuir Road in Tremorfa, denies murder, stating he was acting in lawful self-defence.

Saleh, 46, from Adamsdown Lane in Adamsdown, denies murder, accepting he was in the general area but denying any responsibi­lity.

The trial continues.

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