South Wales Echo




DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 20 The Sun is at odds with Mars in Capricorn, and you may be out and about and spoilt this weekend. Nothing you don’t deserve however. Domestical­ly, everything is in tip top shape, and you can’t wait to show off to your friends and family. All in good time. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2001 (75p/min + access charge)


JANUARY 21 - FEBRUARY 19 You are bound to be stirred into action and achieve a lot today. Although plans may be up in the air, you will still have some fun and laughs. How many people were you expecting round this weekend? Looks like everyone is here to see you! You love the company. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2002 (75p/min + access charge)


FEBRUARY 20 - MARCH 20 You are going above and beyond this weekend to make someone feel special. Friends, family members, someone you are romantical­ly involved with – they’re all feeling the love from you this weekend. Certain things may inconvenie­nce you. Ignore them and keep your head held high. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2003 (75p/min + access charge)


MARCH 21 - APRIL 20 You may have stars in your eyes and are full of admiration for someone. However, with the Sun in Aries at right angles to Mars, don’t be surprised if they let you down a little this weekend. The power lies with you for the time being, so there is no need to feel demoralise­d. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2004 (75p/min + access charge)


APRIL 21 - MAY 21 The situation in the heavens remains slightly confused and uncertain. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t make future plans – don’t delay. Someone finally emerges this weekend, and there is plenty of time left to recharge your batteries. You feel so much better for it. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2005 (75p/min + access charge)


MAY 22 - JUNE 21 Lucky in love is something you’ve always been. Whether you are in a relationsh­ip or single, your head will be turned by someone special this weekend. You won’t be wasting your time by opening your heart and mind. You never know where this may lead. Make plans for the future. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2006 (75p/min + access charge)


JUNE 22 - JULY 22 The Sun in Aries at odds with Mars indicates that you may be slightly frustrated. You just want to be made to feel like a priority, rather than second best. Someone will show yo just how important you are this weekend. You have never felt so grateful for the love. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2007 (75p/min + access charge)


JULY 23 - AUGUST 22 If you’re travelling, watch out for delays or cancellati­ons. All will be fine if you plan ahead, something which you love to do. You could end up taking a detour, just another adventure to be had. On a personal level, you are not forced to visit someone this weekend. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2008 (75p/min + access charge)


AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22 The Sun squaring up to Mars denotes a time when money is not an issue in your mind. Everything seems to be running smoothly, both personally and profession­ally, and you’ve never felt happier. Treat yourself to some adventures this weekend, you never know where they may take you. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2009 (75p/min + access charge)



The accent is on your work life. Although it is the weekend, your mind still flits between relaxing and worrying about how to progress in your career. Hard work and dedication will get you there. Don't think your efforts go unnoticed. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2010 (75p/min + access charge)


OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 22 This may not be a lazy weekend, you know you have to get things in order. Although all you would love to do is relax at home. Not rest for the wicked. You will start to see the rewards of sacrifices you have made, and you’re excited for what else may be coming your way. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2011 (75p/min + access charge)


NOVEMBER 23 - DECEMBER 21 The Sun at odds with Mars indicates that you may be feeling a little overwhelme­d. After a busy week, you know you must slow down and get your thoughts in order before you start rushing around again. It’s the only way to make you feel more relaxed. For weekly readings call 0903 658 2012 (75p/min + access charge)

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