South Wales Echo

AMs appeal for bridging pension in women dispute


ASSEMBLY Members have called on the UK government to provide a bridging pension to women affected by changes to their state pension.

Some 200,000 women in Wales have been told they will receive their pensions later than originally promised due to a government rule change.

Any woman born on or after April 6, 1951, has seen changes to her pension.

Campaigner­s say that it means women are having to work longer and many are having to take on physically demanding jobs which are affecting their health.

For some, it means their retirement age has increased by up to six years.

Other have lost out on tens of thousands of pounds.

The various groups who have sprung up to fight the issue do not argue their pension age should not be the same as men, but are angry many were not told there would be any changes.

A debate on the issue was held yesterday, led by Ukip AM Caroline Jones.

Another contributo­r was Julie James AM – chief whip and leader of the house.

Both women are among the women affected by the issue.

The Ukip motion called for a bridging pension to give affected women an income until state pension age that is not means tested.

Ukip’s motion was rejected, but an amended motion from Julie James was passed.

That called on the Welsh Government to urge the UK government to look at a bridging pension and compensati­on.

Mrs Jones said: “I, like thousands of my compatriot­s, was not personally notified of these changes. I received no letter; I received no explanatio­n. No-one told me my retirement plans would have to change, but unlike many other women in this situation, I am lucky, I am still in employment. I am not facing destitutio­n.

“I only learned of the changes via an offhand remark made to me one day, and my situation is far from unique. Women are being made to suffer because of a lack of foresight and planning by successive UK government­s.”

She added: “I have been told of numerous examples of women being denied employment because of their age. A lady contacted me and stated, ‘I’m 62, I receive no pension, as I was promised. I’m rendered unemployab­le due to my age. I’m destitute and depend on friends and family.’ This should not be the case, but I doubt it’s unique.”

Mrs James said: “I’m actually very grateful to Ukip for bringing the debate forward. It’s a matter of extreme importance to all of us. I too also need to make a declaratio­n of interest as I am one of the women affected, having been born in the 1950s.

“Fortunatel­y, like Caroline Jones, I’m still in work and so not so badly affected by it, but a very large number of my friends, family, constituen­ts and colleagues are affected by it. Many of them are now enduring hardship and poverty as a result of the changes, about which they knew nothing.

“This cannot be right and should not be allowed to continue. Many of the women in this age group will have worked in part-time and low-paid roles, or taken time off work to look after children or elderly relatives, and been subject to gender inequality for much of their adult life, as these are the women that were most affected by those changes that were brought in by the women’s movement immediatel­y following the Second World War.

“So it’s somewhat ironic that they’re the group that are most affected by this.”

Plaid’s Sian Gwenllian spoke about the support groups which have started in her constituen­cy.

“These women deserve to be treated fairly. I will close with this: I have a case in my constituen­cy of a women who was born 24 hours too late, and now she has to work two years and three months longer. That wasn’t her wish, but that’s what she has to do.

“That’s not fair, and Plaid Cymru has called consistent­ly for transition­al arrangemen­ts, and a bridging pension and compensati­on would go a long way to ameliorate that situation and to make a much more acceptable situation.”

Monmouth Conservati­ve AM Nick Ramsay said he acknowledg­ed the “real suffering” women have endured.

“There has been a successive failure of effective communicat­ion between UK government and the WASPI women, and that is regrettabl­e.

“It’s difficult, not always impossible, but difficult to correct past mistakes and so what we have to do is see how we can best support those women.”

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