South Wales Echo

YOUR PETS Friends Joey and Jazz are fantastic


Pets names: Joey and Jazz. Age: Three and three and a half. Breed: Old English sheepdog and Pyrenean mountain dog. Owner: Hayley Lewis, 27, and her partner Wayne Kamans, 29, from Barry. Owner’s story: “We had Jazz when she was nine months old and she was a big dog already, weighing 36kg.

“We had Joey when he was 14 weeks old when he was a baby.

“Jazz now weigh 45kg and Joey is 30kg so they’re big dogs.

“You don’t see a lot of Pyrenean mountain dogs around so Jazz gets described as a polar bear and Joey is called a Dulux dog. They get on extremely well.

“At the start when we got Joey, he was hiding behind a pillow and wouldn’t come over to us and we thought they weren’t going to get on.

“But at one o’clock in the morning one day, they started chasing each other around the house and they’ve been fine ever since.

“Joey is an absolute clown. But he’s really smart and is thoughtful as well.

“People think if he’s a clown he might be quite daft, but he’s not.

“He picks up on emotions quite a lot. He will come over and hug you by putting his paws around you.

“Jazz is very much a queen. She does what she wants, when she wants.

“She’s the most intelligen­t dog I’ve ever had.

“She doesn’t feel the need to listen to you and thinks she can do what she wants.

“Pyrenean mountain dogs are known for roaming and I have to walk Jazz on a lead because she will go to France if you don’t!

“We just installed a baby gate because she opened all the doors in our house.

“Joey is very strange – he doesn’t like carrier bags, lemons, tape measures or ceiling fans.

“They have the most generous personalti­es going.

“Jazz has things in her personalit­y that leave me speechless.

“There was a time when I had an accident in a field and she climbed on top of me and didn’t leave.

“They’re fantastic.”

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