South Wales Echo

Fears for city’s economy amid Brexit ‘disaster’

- MATT DISCOMBE Local democracy reporter matt.discombe@walesonlin­

LEADER of Cardiff council Huw Thomas has called the government’s handling of Brexit a “disaster” – and says he’s concerned for the economy of Cardiff after the UK departs the European Union.

Councillor Thomas told the council’s Policy Review and Performanc­e Scrutiny Committee that Brexit was “frankly a disaster in terms of the governance of this country”.

Brexit is expected to hit Cardiff harder than other UK cities and every other part of Wales, a report from Cardiff’s Public Services Board predicts.

Cardiff is in the top five British cities most reliant on EU markets, with 61% of its exports going to EU countries.

Speaking on Monday, days after the meeting, Cllr Thomas expressed concern that Airbus and BMW last week warned of the uncertaint­y around Brexit and the effects of a potential “no-deal” exit from the EU.

He said: “If they (Airbus and BMW) are taking steps to exit the country I think that would be a disaster.

“What businesses are telling me is what they want more than anything is clarity. That is not what they’re getting.”

Organisati­ons in the health and social care and hospitalit­y industries also have worries over staffing as they largely rely on workers from the EU, Cllr Thomas said.

He also said Brexit could mean more austerity for local authoritie­s if it means a declining tax base.

Councillor Thomas was answering a question from Liberal Democrat councillor Rodney Berman at the latest council scrutiny meeting about how Cardiff’s Public Services Board is trying to assess what Brexit will mean for the city.

Cllr Berman said: “We know that the problem that could be facing us is pretty immense.

“We’re starting to see that the economy of the UK is looking increasing­ly sluggish and I think the impact of Brexit is beginning to be felt on that because we are doing so much worse than a lot of other Western economies. That probably has to be the reason.

“We’re feeling that here with losses in the high street, as we have elsewhere, but also with the losses that were just announced at Barclays within Cardiff.”

Cllr Thomas said the council was engaging with the business community and third sector about Brexit and there will be a hearing in the European Parliament to consider the evidence the council is gathering as part of its membership of the Core Cities group.

But he said: “Let’s be realistic about what this council and the wider [public services board] can effect in terms of influencin­g the direction of Brexit. You only have to look at the direction of travel within the UK government to get a strong impression of how much in listening mode the Department of Exiting the European Union is.”

Cllr Adrian Robson, leader of the Conservati­ves on Cardiff council, said: “Cardiff is a capital city which punches above its weight on the internatio­nal stage.

“It has held many sporting and cultural events and its reputation as a friendly, welcoming and successful place to visit and do business is well establishe­d.

“Regardless of Brexit Cardiff will continue establishi­ng links overseas within and beyond the borders of the EU.

“Brexit presents both challenges and new prospects for Cardiff but it appears that Labour and the Liberal Democrats only focus on the negatives whilst ignoring many of the opportunit­ies when we leave the EU. They risk talking down the city.”

The Department for Exiting the European Union said it was committed to securing a good deal with the EU that works for the whole of the UK, including Wales.

A spokeswoma­n said: “To give businesses certainty we have agreed the terms of an implementa­tion period that will ensure that trade can continue on the same terms as now up until the end of 2020.

“We have been clear that the UK will always be open to those who bring valuable skills, experience and investment to the UK and our economy.

“As we design the future immigratio­n system we will ensure it works for all parts of the country and economy, including our vital hospitalit­y and social care sectors.”

 ??  ?? An anti-Brexit rally in Cardiff in June 2016
An anti-Brexit rally in Cardiff in June 2016
 ??  ?? Cardiff Council leader Huw Thomas
Cardiff Council leader Huw Thomas

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