South Wales Echo

BABIES ‘Iestyn is such a happy baby’


Baby’s Griffiths. Date and place of birth: February 26 at 1.02am at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Talbot Green. Weight: 6lb 3oz. Parents: Mum, Rhiannon Prince, 23, and dad, Mark Griffiths, 36, both from Ynyswen, Rhondda, Mum’s story: “I didn’t really have any morning sickness. Cravings-wise I only wanted Twix chocolate.

“I was nervous, due to problems with my first baby.

“We were told it was a boy at name: Iestyn-Robert the 20-week scan. We just went through different unusual names that you don’t hear often and we decided on Iestyn-Robert. “Robert comes from my father and my partner’s late grandad. “Labour was OK, although I had my waters broken at midnight and delivered him at 1.02am. “We were in hospital a week longer due to Iestyn being ill and needing extra care at neonatal. “It




take him home, simply because my daughter Teegan came down with chicken pox the day I got taken into hospital.

“So this was her first time seeing him and meeting her baby brother as well.

“Iestyn is a happy baby, and we don’t hear him much at all.

“I love having both my children in my life. They are everything to me.

“People used to say having children young ruins your life – it doesn’t though, it makes your life better knowing you have two beautiful children who look up to you every day.

“My life has changed a lot but I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

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