South Wales Echo

Bogus carer left OAP in shower and stole cash


A WOMAN posing as a carer went into a frail, elderly woman’s house and ransacked her property at the weekend.

Victim Joanne Davies, 94, is very frail and relies on the help of carers to live independen­tly.

On Saturday, a woman posing as a care assistant entered her home in Brynmenyn, Bridgend, and helped her to get undressed, assisting her into the shower, where she left her, before ransacking her belongings and stealing cards and a sum of money.

Mrs Davies called out for the woman to return, but she did not come back until she had pocketed the money and the cards.

Her son, Peter Davies, said: “Mum has only recently returned home after being in hospital and rehabilita­tion for a long spell following a fall which dislocated her right shoulder and broke her right arm.

“She has worked hard for all of her working life and what little she now has is the result of years of hard work and effort.

“Mum has severe hearing difficulti­es and her eyesight is also fading.

“Acts of stealing and fraud, from or upon anyone, are nasty crimes, but when the victim is elderly, frail, scared, incredibly kind, thoroughly decent and highly vulnerable the crime is not merely nasty: it is sickening and ranks alongside the most utterly contemptib­le, despicable and unspeakabl­e acts. People that do this are of little use to anyone.”

A South Wales Police spokeswoma­n said: “We are investigat­ing a burglary which took place on Saturday, June 30, at a property in Brynmenyn, Bridgend.

“The burglary took place some time between 7am and 7.35am.

“A woman posing as a care assistant stole a sum of cash and a bank card from the property.

“She is described as being white, in her mid-thirties to forties, with dark long hair, 5ft 8in tall and of slim build.

“Anyone with informatio­n can call us on 101 quoting reference 1800239575 or call Crimestopp­ers anonymousl­y on 0800 555 111.”

Mr Davies put out an appeal on Facebook to attempt to track down the culprit, and it has received masses of support, currently being shared more than 11,400 times.

He added: “Ma is fine in herself and extremely grateful for all the love and support.”

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