South Wales Echo

Baby named Aneurin in honour of NhS founder

- MARK SMITH Health editor mark.smith@walesonlin­

A COUPLE who say they are indebted to NHS staff for bringing their premature son safely into the world have decided to name him Aneurin.

Chelsea Rees gave birth to tiny Aneurin Vaughan at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital, near Llantrisan­t, 10 weeks and six days early. He weighed just under 3lb.

The birth coincided with the 70th anniversar­y of the NHS, which was founded by Welsh Labour politician Aneurin “Nye” Bevan in 1948.

And Chelsea, from Gelli, Rhondda, said the outstandin­g care she received from midwives, nurses and doctors shows that the health service is still in very capable hands.

“I couldn’t give them enough credit. They were absolutely terrific,” said the 26-year-old.

“They were so warm towards me that they felt like family.”

Chelsea travelled to the Royal Glamorgan Hospital on Monday, June 25 with her partner Leon Vaughan when she started getting terrible pains.

But she said she was told she was experienci­ng Braxton Hicks contractio­ns – which occur before the onset of labour – and was sent home.

“I woke up at about 7am the following day and I was in a lot of pain. I knew something wasn’t right,” she added.

“By about 11am I was in hospital and the pains were even worse. They then told me that I was in labour.

“I was crying my eyes out. I was absolutely terrified. My sister had a premature baby, but I never expected it to happen to me.”

Chelsea, who works in a plastics factory, said she was given steroids and prepared for the very early arrival of her baby son.

She said she was “surrounded” by medical staff who were “amazing” during the delivery and birth of Aneurin on June 26.

After delivery, the baby was whisked away to the hospital’s neonatal unit.

“He was completely tiny. He was only a little bit bigger than my hand,” Chelsea added.

“But he’s doing really well. They still have to do checks on him but everything appears to be functionin­g well.

“Leon was only allowed to cwtch Aneurin for the first time on July 5, which is a really lovely coincidenc­e.”

As well as being born close to the NHS’s 70th birthday, Aneurin also come into the world at 8.18pm.

But the couple admit the decision to give their son that name wasn’t solely driven by their admiration of the Tredegar-born socialist.

“Leon is a massive Stereophon­ics fan. Initially he wanted to call our son Kelly [after frontman Kelly Jones] but I said there was no chance.

“So he said he’d like to name him Aneurin after the actor Aneurin Bernard, who has appeared in one of the Stereophon­ics’ videos.

“But when I found out about the NHS turning 70 and the history of Aneurin Bevan, I was fascinated by it, so we both have our different reasons for giving him that name.”

 ??  ?? Aneurin Vaughan with mum Chelsea Rees and dad Leon Vaughan MARK SMITH
Aneurin Vaughan with mum Chelsea Rees and dad Leon Vaughan MARK SMITH
 ??  ?? Aneurin was born weighing under 3lb
Aneurin was born weighing under 3lb

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