South Wales Echo

Harri is such a contented baby


Baby’s name: Harri James Morris. Date and place of birth: February 24 at the University Hospital of Wales. Weight: 3lb 6oz. Parents: Mum, Sarah Morris, 34, an occupation­al therapist, and dad, Mathew Morris, 34, both from Mid Wales. Mum’s story: Mum Sarah said: “I didn’t actually suffer from any cravings or morning sickness.

“However, our little Harri surprised us by coming nine weeks early.

“It was a Caesarian birth as Harri was transverse and had a cord prolapse.

“On the day everything happened very quickly. I had been experienci­ng contractio­ns a day or so before Harri arrived.

“On arrival at the hospital I was given medication to delay labour and my contractio­ns.

“I had previously been given steroids (to strengthen baby’s lungs) and magnesium (for the baby’s brain developmen­t) five weeks earlier (at 26 weeks gestation) as it was looking likely I would go into preterm labour at that point, fortunatel­y it all settled down and I was discharged after a week in hospital.

“Although it was a relief that when Harri arrived at 31 weeks rather than 26 weeks’ gestation, it was still a worrying time as he was still early.

“The neonatal team were at the delivery and he was ventilated and was taken to the neonatal unit.

“The care he was given was outstandin­g and we consider ourselves very lucky to have had such care.

“When Harri was a couple of days old I was able to have my first cuddle... a very lovely but worrying cuddle! Mathew held Harri a few days later.

“Harri spent six weeks on the neonatal unit at UHW. It was a pretty stressful time but the staff there were amazing. We are forever indebted to them.

“When Harri eventually came home it was such a relief and we were all together under one roof.

“Harri’s a chilled baby and seems to take things in his stride without fuss. He’s adored by his older brother Rhys, who doesn’t give Harri much peace. He’s a lovely contented baby and is very much loved.”

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