South Wales Echo



- PHILIP DEWEY Reporter philip.dewey@walesonlin­

A YOUNG girl died after her hooded top got caught on a door handle and strangled her to death, an inquest was told yesterday.

Kimora Zondo was just seven years old at the time of the tragedy, which happened at her mother Vonnie Dube’s home in Cardiff on March 7.

When Ms Dube awoke from a nap, she asked Kimora’s nine-year-old brother where his sister was, and he said she was “pretending to be sleepy”.

The inquest at Pontypridd Coroner’s Court heard that on the day of Kimora’s death she had returned to the family’s home in the Roath area of Cardiff from the city’s Albany Primary School with her mother after picking up her brother from football practice.

When they got home Kimora changed from her school uniform into a pink H&M hoodie, the inquest was told.

At around 5pm Ms Dube told her children to switch off the television and get on with their homework. While they did, she put a throw over herself and fell asleep as she was feeling tired. When she woke up slightly later Kimora was not in the room.

In a statement read out to the court Ms Dube said: “[My son] stood up and said ‘Kimora, Mummy’s awake’ and he walked up to the passage door – I hadn’t fully woken up.

“He tried to push the door, which was heavy and he said: ‘She’s pretending to be sleepy.’

“I don’t know how it happened, it doesn’t make sense to me now, but I next recalled seeing [my son] in the lounge with Kimora and I don’t know how she got into that position.

“We were telling her to wake up otherwise I would take her watch from her but there was no movement so I asked [her brother] to bring her closer and he pulled her by her hands.

“He checked her wrists and I shook her and tickled her armpits and feet because she was sensitive there but she didn’t do anything.”

Ms Dube called for her sister, who was upstairs, and Ms Dube went up to tell her that something had happened to Kimora.

Ms Dube’s sister, 16, came downstairs and checked Kimora’s wrists and her neck but detected no movement.

The ambulance was called and the operator directed Kimora’s teenage aunt to do CPR and a neighbour came round to assist before the paramedics arrived and took over.

They were still unable to find a pulse so Kimora was taken to hospital where she was pronounced dead at 8.06pm the same day.

When asked if she wanted to see her daughter, Ms Dube said: “No, I want her to wake up.”

Continuing her statement about her “loving” daughter, Ms Dube: “I would say she was a happy baby and I don’t understand how this happened.

“She was always loud and we could sometimes hear her outside so if something happened why didn’t she call out or make a noise?”

An investigat­ion into Kimora’s death was launched by South Wales Police, who interviewe­d her older brother on two occasions and asked him about how he found his sister.

He said: “When I opened the door I found her head was hanging off the handle and took her to Mum who checked her and started tickling her but there was nothing.”

In the second police interview, he said: “My mum asked me to call Kimora and I found her lying there and she was hanging from her hoodie. I took the hoodie off and put her on the carpet where mum tickled her.”

A post-mortem examinatio­n was carried out which ascertaine­d the cause of Kimora’s death as pressure to the neck caused by a ligature.

The police and forensic pathologis­ts carried out a number of recreation­s of how the incident had been described, with a dummy the same height and weight of Kimora used with replicas of her hoodie.

A scenario where Kimora had run and caught her hood in the door handle was ruled out due to its unlikeline­ss. At this point South Wales Police ended their investigat­ion as there were no further lines of inquiry to consider, the inquest heard.

Forensic pathologis­t Dr Richard Jones, who appeared in person at Thursday’s hearing, gave evidence to the court about his findings.

He said he was satisfied the mark on Kimora’s neck had been caused by the hoodie, which had a hole in the top of the hood. He conceded it was possible the hole had been caught on the door handle but it was unlikely.

He added: “I still have concerns about how Kimora came to be hanging from the door handle on the hallway side because of the lack of space there and the impossibil­ity of it occurring by her running accidental­ly past, for example.

“If you asked the question ‘Is it possible for a child wearing a hooded top to actually be suspended from that handle in the manner which is suggested by her brother?’ then yes it’s possible but quite how she got into that position I can’t say.

“My conclusion really is she has died because of a ligature to the neck and it’s in keeping with hanging. I find nothing specific to contradict the suggestion she was hanging on the hallway side of the door handle but I have difficulty envisaging how she actually came to be in that position. That may be a failure of my imaginatio­n rather than implying it could not have happened in that situation.”

In reaching his conclusion assistant coroner Nadim Bashir expressed his condolence­s to Kimora’s family, who moved to the UK from South Africa in 2015 and settled in Cardiff in 2016.

He added: “There is simply no evidence of how she came to be caught by the hoodie on the door handle.

“I found the account given to the police by [her brother] is consistent with him finding his sister in the way he described and consistent with the evidence I heard this morning. Nothing suggests his accounts was false or partially false.

“In the circumstan­ces the only possible explanatio­n that can be given in this case was a hole in the hoodie and Kimora was in the hallway with her head close to the handle to allow her to get caught on the handle, was unable to extricate herself in the second it would take to lose consciousn­ess, and death quickly thereafter.”

Mr Bashir recorded a conclusion of accidental death.

 ??  ?? Kimora Zondo was a pupil at Albany Primary School
Kimora Zondo was a pupil at Albany Primary School

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