South Wales Echo

Warning of unrest over City Deal cash


A BRIDGEND county councillor has warned of “a lot of unrest” over the millions of pounds being invested into a regional investment programme and the closure of facilities such as public toilets.

Councillor Norah Clarke says residents want to know what’s happening with the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal and how the county will benefit.

Speaking at a corporate overview and scrutiny committee meeting on Wednesday, September 26, the Nottage ward councillor and Porthcawl mayor said: “There’s lot of unrest out there in the county borough regarding the £11.3m we are putting into the City Deal and it’s essential that members of the public know what’s happening in this area.

“I know things have gone into Newport and allegedly people from this county borough work there but people want to see something when they’re told that their toilets are shutting, subsidies are being withdrawn from buses, and pavilions and playing fields have got to be overtaken by town and community councils.

“People out there are not happy.

“It’s essential at some point, in the not too distant future, that we understand what we as a county borough are benefiting Bridgend County Borough Council offices from the £11.3m we are ploughing in.”

The City Deal joint scrutiny committee is due to meet next month in Bridgend.

Cllr Martyn Jones said: “The reassuranc­e we give to the public is that the City Deal is on our agenda and as the corporate overview and scrutiny committee we have a duty to ensure it remains monitored.”

Bridgend County Borough Council has to make £30m of reductions by 2022-23 with £10m of savings to be made in 2019-20 alone.

It launched its budget consultati­on earlier this week, warning residents to expect “some difficult choices and major reductions in services”.

The £1.2bn City Deal has four strategic themes: skills and employment, innovation, connecting the region, regenerati­on and infrastruc­ture.

It involves 10 local authoritie­s and aims to create 25,000 jobs across the region and bring in £4bn of private sector investment by 2036.

The first investment has seen a loan of £38.5m go to a compound semiconduc­tor project in Newport - IQE has moved into the former LG plant in Imperial Park.

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