South Wales Echo

We are still no closer to knowing what will happen


I have followed with keen interest, the ongoing correspond­ence in these pages regarding the thorny issue of Brexit. I find myself coming back to the quoted words of the late Winston Churchill, when he spoke of Russia as, a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.

From the outset, when the architect of the referendum, David Cameron, cut and ran from facing the implementa­tion of the chaos that he had created we have faced a seemingly insoluble situation, far from presenting people with a credible picture of the reality of life outside of the EU, we were spun a biblical vision of a land flowing with milk and honey.We are still no closer to knowing what will actually happen, for better or worse, when we leave the EU, were we really naive enough to believe that the severing of links, that had been formed over decades could be almost seamlessly unpicked?.

Much as personally I would like to see a second vote, I do not believe it will happen, the leadership of both parties, for very different reasons, have no stomach for it, the Tories know it would rip them apart and Labour have a national leader and shadow chancellor who ideologica­lly are opposed to the EU and whose lack of enthusiasm to campaign for the remain vote during the referendum did nothing positive to influence its outcome.

I’m sure that I will continue to be, amused, angered, frustrated and confused as the debate continues and opinions are expressed but for now, I’m totally in the dark, my late father once told me, never trust a man who says, trust me, all I want to know is, where do we go from here. Chris Roberts Pontypridd THE people of Barry have been waiting a long time for a definitive answer on the Environmen­tal Impact Assesment (EIA) situation for the Barry incinerati­on plant. EU law (which the Welsh Government is subject to) states that facilities of this nature require an EIA. Mistakes, misunderst­andings and misinterpr­etation of the law has led to no EIA being conducted at any stage. As the applicant has constructe­d similar plants elsewhere (some of which have been in receipt of an EIA prior to constructi­on) and claims to be experience­d in this area, they should have been aware of the requiremen­t for an EIA.

The Vale council and indeed NRW (acting, as they do, on behalf of Welsh Government), should have been aware of EU and UK legislatio­n regarding EIA’s for plants of this nature.

All involved in the failure to carry out an EIA on this plant back in 2015, would be expected by the public to do the right thing, and to correct any initial mistakes in this matter. It is of paramount importance not only to comply with the letter of the law, but the spirit, and stop looking for loopholes.

Fundamenta­lly, the granting of an EIA at this juncture would be seen to have the goal of leading to compliance with the Wellbeing and Future Generation­s Act, and thereby be a start to rebuilding public trust in government, both local and national.

This may go some way towards the people of Barry, and indeed of Wales as a whole, seeing that the Welsh Government have the health, wellbeing and interests of the wider population at heart; even those that cannot or do not vote. Chris Roberts Pontypridd

An EIA would give the private enterprise that chose Barry to invest in, and make money from, through both profits and government grants, a chance to prove that their claims of “no harm” to the environmen­t and the population of Barry for 25 years can stand up to scrutiny.

A mere fudge, playing with words and dates to get a face saving result, will only further damage trust in all institutio­ns involved.

The Environmen­t Minister’s answer to question waq77119 during a Q&A in the Senedd, seems to imply that decision making is at arms length, and those at the top of government are happy to agree with all that has gone wrong previously.

The answer given seems to seek to avoid the real issue, which is that an EIA should have been ordered in 2015, and the implicatio­ns of that failure is the real question left outstandin­g. The answer also might be seen by some to be consistent with the minister having already taken a view on the EIA question. If this is the case, this could be viewed as decisions being made by the minister and Welsh Government on matters of high public interest, (in the same way as many felt NRW did on the licensing decision) by doing so behind closed doors, in close conjunctio­n with the applicant, whilst leaving the public in the dark.

A review of some descriptio­n will eventually have to be made to tighten up procedures; in the meantime, a sure sign of political madness is to keep repeating mistakes so as to justify initial mistakes. For the Welsh Assembly Government/NRW to behave in this fashion would be a failure for not only themselves, but also, most importantl­y, the people they purport to serve. Fred Phipps-Harkus Barry IT is getting to me now! The chestthump­ing, the fist-pumping, the face contorting “C’mons” and associated yelling and screaming and bouncing around, so horrendous­ly displayed by the European team golfers winning the Ryder Cup; it is all too much.

Such antics have no place on a golf course or a cricket pitch or during a rugby match.

Let us restore some sense of sporting decency and self-control, some self respect and leave those neandertha­l antics to the jungle and footballer­s!

Furthermor­e, while I have my dander up, must we also have to contend with the immediate appearance on to the field of play, of the production line WAGs and their kids before the final whistle has even been blown? Bernard McCarthy Valletta, Malta SOME of us can see through Jeremy Hunt and his pathetic attempt this weekend to put down an early marker to become our next PM.

It is astonishin­g to consider that in 2016, he voted to remain in what he now tells us, was a prison not unlike

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