South Wales Echo

I am still proud to be a member of miners’ union


IN reply to HH Parfitt, South Wales Echo letters, October 9, the South Wales Miners Union is, as Mr Parfitt says, considerab­ly smaller in membership now, which is obviously as a result of the decimation of the coal industry by the Tory government of the 1980s.

However, the union is still highly respected by the many retired miners, widows and their dependants who benefit from their help and advice, of which I am one.

He also asks “what do older miners think of what is happening to our once proud union now”.

I say our union is still proud and I, along with many others are still proud of being members, especially when requiring their support.

R Stoate

Ex Britannia and Penallta Collieries (25 years) Cefn Fforest, Blackwood It’s all part of the language

YOU have to laugh at all this faux outrage, orchestrat­ed by leading exponents of the art of taking offence, such as Yvette Cooper MP. In the Commons on Monday she got to her feet to excoriate the unknown Tory MP who talked metaphoric­ally of “putting the knife” into Theresa. Come off it, Mrs Cooper! Clearly, like many other MPs, you do not have enough work to do, so you manufactur­e this nonsense. We have long had violent metaphors as part of the most polite language in the highest of circles. Had that Tory said she should “fall on her sword”, you would not have batted an eyelid.

Dai Woosnam


‘Nooses and knives’ a disgrace

THE Conservati­ve Party should remove the whip from anonymous MPs who briefed violent rhetoric to Sunday papers, including one who quipped that Theresa May should “bring her own noose” to her next backbenche­rs’ meeting.

Using language about nooses and knives, they have “thoroughly disgraced” themselves. “I very much hope they are discovered and I hope she will withdraw the whip from them.”

If this is how far some Brexiteers have fallen into depravity, then this country will next be a full and respectful union.

Andrew Nutt


Wonderful care from the NHS

IN February 2008 I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocyti­c leukaemia. Since then I have had nothing but the best of care. Nearly 50 appointmen­ts at Llandough Hospital, all kept, seen on time at each appointmen­t.

Chemo in 2014 was not a very nice experience but care from the nurses was excellent. I now receive annual check-ups and the care is superb.

I also have Type 2 diabetes and the care I get from my local health centre is also superb.

I wish the media and people would stop knocking the NHS, with tens of thousands of appointmen­ts and operations daily there are bound to be some cancellati­ons.

The union is considerab­ly smaller as a result of the decimation of the coal industry by the Tory government of the 1980s R Stoate

Dixon J Dagg Cowbridge

We have had a people’s vote

MR Davies wants another vote on Brexit saying saying we should all vote in a people’s vote. Really? If I can jog your memory, we had that almostwo years ago and we won, 17.4 million of us.

If you loose the second time will you want a third and so on until you win.

Democratic you are not. We want to rid ourselves of the domineerin­g unelected party in Brussels running our country, we need to make our own laws, trading around the world and so much more. We do not want a halfway measure. We voted for a full house not the people’s vote, no halfway thanks.

J Bloom Rumney, Cardiff

The small print: Letters will not be included unless you include your name, full postal address and daytime telephone number (we prefer to use names of letter writers but you can ask for your name not to be published if you have a good reason). The Editor reserves the right to edit all letters.

 ??  ?? Autumn on the Taff Trail near Llandaff. Picture sent in by Paul Tarrant
Autumn on the Taff Trail near Llandaff. Picture sent in by Paul Tarrant

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