South Wales Echo



HERE’S what Neil Warnock had to say after Cardiff City’s Premier League defeat to Everton... incidents where if we’d have been a bit cleverer like some of their lads, we might have got one or two things go our own way.

But I can’t fault the effort. The fans epitomised it. They were amazing. We’ve lost the game and they were clapping everyone off. We’re all trying our hardest to staying the best league in the world and it is disappoint­ing at times.

But when you’ve got fans like that, it’s amazing how they keep lifting the players. front at the minute and he’s doing really well, but that little bit more quality and nous in certain areas I think is what we need.

But I can’t fault the lads, I thought they were super.

It’s what drives me on as a manager, that’s why I’m still here at nearly 70.

This would be the biggest achievemen­t in my life, if we could stay up.

We’re not going to give up easily, because we worked so hard to come up last year even though we probably shouldn’t have gone up. We surprised a few people then, but it’s twice as hard in this league.

Nothing’s impossible. We need a bit of help which I’m sure I’ll get. I don’t think there’s anybody that has come off that pitch and not given me everything.

We’re a little bit limited in areas, but you’re not going to blame the commitment, and I think that comes from the fans as well.

It’s a fabulous club at the minute and I’m going to do my best to make sure we give it a good shot, against some big teams.

There’s eight or nine clubs looking over their shoulders. We have got to make home games count, that’s the big thing in the Premier League.

But we’ve got a tasty game next weekend, Wolves at home, thankfully on the Friday night so I can have a nice birthday on the Saturday.

We’ll have a full house again, you’ll not stop our lot from turning up.

And I know they (Wolves) have spent a lot of money but I’m sure we can give them a good game.

Sometimes you just need a break, I don’t think we got anything that broke for us today.

(Callum) Paterson got in the way of Sol Bamba, he could’ve just put the ball in the net with a header, but you can’t stop Paterson, he goes everything, but I can’t fault them today.

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