South Wales Echo

‘Everything she does brings us happiness’


Baby’s name: Peri Amelia Pritchard Date and place of birth: 2.44pm on August 6 at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital.

Weight: 9lb 6oz.

Parents: Mum, Joanne Pritchard, 22, is a call centre adviser and dad, Paul Pritchard, 23, is a call centre team leader.

The family come from Trebanog in the Rhondda.

Mum’s story: Joanne said: “I suffered quite badly throughout the first few months of the pregnancy, with morning, afternoon and evening sickness.

“No matter what I ate or drank, within a few minutes it would come back up.

“It was a relief when after the first scan it calmed down quite a bit.

“We came up with a few names before the birth, as we wanted to face test the names with how the baby looked.

“But it was almost instant that Paul and I said as soon as we saw her face that she would be called Peri.

“We’ve actually taken both her names from our favourite Doctor Who companions over the years.

“Peri is such an amazing baby, but I bet you hear that all of the time.

“Our lives were good before she came into them, but now we are over the moon with her.

“It is almost like we see the world through her eyes.

“Every little thing she does brings happiness to our lives, even the gross stuff like nappy changes.

“We’ve got so much to look forward to - like her first Christmas and so much more - we are so excited.”

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Peri Amelia Pritchard

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